The One Ring

Evil men army and expanding it
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Author:  OilyJohn [ Wed Jul 29, 2015 11:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Evil men army and expanding it

So I recently purchased a job lot of evil men on ebay containing:
1 haradrim chieftain
1 haradrim warrior with banner
36 haradrim warriors, 15 bows and 21 spears
14 easterling warriors, 6 bows, 7 shields and 1 pike and shield

How would you go about building a list with this at 350 - 500 pts, and what else should I buy on the harad side to expand it for higher points matches? Using warriors as captains/chieftains is fine by me.

Author:  Amdûr, Dragon Knight [ Thu Jul 30, 2015 12:51 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Evil men army and expanding it

Well, I would try to pick up Suladan and a Hasharin as soon as possible. Once you get hold of those models I would then go for a list like this,

500 pt army

Warband 1
12 Haradrim warriors, 1 with banner, 11 with spear

Warband 2
Haradrim Chieftain with bow and spear
12 Haradrim warriors with bows

Warband 3
11 Haradrim warriors, 3 with bow, 8 with spear

6 might, 16 bows, 38 models.

Warband 2 shoots while warbands 1 & 3 attack. Once they are engaged, march warband 2 up to join the fight.
Hope that helps!

Edited to remove points values

Dr Grant

Author:  OilyJohn [ Thu Jul 30, 2015 8:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Evil men army and expanding it

Thanks, that looks like a pretty solid list. Would it be a good idea to also pick up some of the elites like the merchant guard and watches of karna, as they both seem underpointed to me?

Author:  Dikey [ Thu Jul 30, 2015 9:32 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Evil men army and expanding it

Amdur, you have to remove the points in your post.

Author:  Amdûr, Dragon Knight [ Thu Jul 30, 2015 10:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Evil men army and expanding it

I don't think so, I appeal to a moderator for the answer to that.

OilyJohn wrote:
Thanks, that looks like a pretty solid list. Would it be a good idea to also pick up some of the elites like the merchant guard and watches of karna, as they both seem underpointed to me?

With that list I would definitely get some watchers. give them all bows, as their +3 shoot value is defiantly worth it. The watchers themselves I would probably add to the Hasharins warband, as he complements them nicely, with his high attack and special rules.

Author:  Dr Grant [ Fri Jul 31, 2015 9:47 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Evil men army and expanding it

Hi Amdur.

No individual points in your army lists please. Total points values for armies or even war bands are ok but nothing that would allow a user to work out the individual points value of a model without the source book.

I've edited the post to fit the forum guidelines.


Author:  Amdûr, Dragon Knight [ Fri Jul 31, 2015 9:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Evil men army and expanding it

Dr Grant wrote:
Hi Amdur.

No individual points in your army lists please. Total points values for armies or even war bands are ok but nothing that would allow a user to work out the individual points value of a model without the source book.

I've edited the post to fit the forum guidelines.



Author:  Amdûr, Dragon Knight [ Sat Aug 01, 2015 8:39 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Evil men army and expanding it

OilyJohn wrote:
Thanks, that looks like a pretty solid list. Would it be a good idea to also pick up some of the elites like the merchant guard and watches of karna, as they both seem underpointed to me?

If you don't mind losing the 50% bow limit, get some half trolls asap.

I fight against harad all the time (I play Gondor) and half trolls are horrible to face. They smash aside your warriors like their dolls, and it's no use sending a hero against them, because if he passes his courage test to charge them, he will just get clobbered too. And when you think, Yes! I've killed them, they still have another wound to spare! I will be playing against a force very similar to yours on Sunday, so I will let you know how it go's.

Author:  OilyJohn [ Sat Aug 01, 2015 9:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Evil men army and expanding it

Thanks for all the insight your giving me here Amdur, I really appreciate your help.
Good luck for the game btw.

Author:  Amdûr, Dragon Knight [ Sun Aug 02, 2015 8:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Evil men army and expanding it

I really appreciate someone who listens to my less than adequate advice, so it should be I and not you saying thanks. Now about the game…

I had a decent 550pt minas tirith force, complete with Boromir of Gondor; Faramir, a Captain and Denethor, Steward of Gondor. He had Suladan; Hasharin, a taskmaster and 3 half-trolls! We were about equal in models (me 37, him 40) and we started off with a couple rounds of shooting. Once combat was joined, his half-trolls smashed aside my fountain court guard as if they were not there! And 1 half troll managed to singlehandedly kill Faramir in just 2 rounds of combat! After that, things went quickly down hill, so with only 10 warriors left (to his 20) I coincided.

The half-trolls 2nd wound was invaluable, as they could keep on fighting even when wounded. I killed one half troll, and managed to wound the other two, but they would just not die. Having terror as well means they are a PAIN to charge. All in all, they killed 130 points worth of models between them, almost double what he paid for them!

Author:  Galanur [ Sun Aug 02, 2015 3:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Evil men army and expanding it

If you want to Compete vs stronger Oponents I do highly Recommend a Nazgul.

You can take:

Warband 1
The betrayer on horse
3 Serpent Riders

Warband 2
4 Watchers of Karna
7 haradrim warriors with spear

Warband 3
Haradrim Taskmaster
4 Venomblade Knights
7 Haradrim warriors with bow

total: 497pts

Models: 28
Might: 5

This army Gambles a bit on Poison Influence to get around the combats..They can be extremely helpfull as long the nazgul is alive to make you re-roll all rols on 1 or 2 to wound. Which means mostly of your shooting and a good portion of your melee troops.

I just put some serpent Riders to get you some game flexbility on the things you can take on the field.

The good side but also bad thing about Fallen realms armies its the WIDE variety of units in which all can be extremly usefull but you dont have points for everthing.

Just because of the Models you got up there as Part of a force and to complement what you have I would take.

Warband 1
Haradrim Chieftain with bow
3 Haradrim warriors with spear
8 Haradrim warriors with bow

warband 2
Haradrim Taskmaster
5x Haradrim warriors with hand weapon
6 Haradrim warriors with spear
1 Half Troll of Far Harad

Warband 3

Easterling Warrior priest
5 Easterling warriors with shield
5 Easterling warriors with shield and pike

Warband 4
Easterling Captain with Armoured horse, shield and easterling halberd

models: 37
what you need to complement your force based on the models you got?
- Haradrim Taskmaster
- Easterling warrior priest
- Easterling Kataphrack(as a captain)
- 1 Half troll
- Remain stuff you got there...

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