The One Ring

Eregion and Rivendell - 650 points
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Author:  Tungdil [ Tue Jul 14, 2015 12:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Eregion and Rivendell - 650 points

What do you guys think about this list:

Warband 1
11 High Elf Warrior with Elven Blade; Shield;

Warband 2
Elladan and Elrohir with Elf bow; Heavy armour;
11 High Elf Warrior with Elf Bow;

Warband 3
Gildor Inglorion
11 Wood Elf Warrior with Wood Elf spear;

37 models at exactly 650 points.

I have tried fitting in a banner, but did not like how the synergy turned out, as I was not able to maximize the points like I wanted.

I was thinking about 2 options, were I can either drop all the Shields or all the Elven Blades, and then put in 1 more High Elf Warrior with Elven Bow in Erestor's warband.

Author:  Coenus Scaldingus [ Tue Jul 14, 2015 1:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Eregion and Rivendell - 650 points

Unless you expect to face many F5 enemies, I'd drop the Elven blades, as well as the bows on Elladan and Elrohir, then gave those two some nice horses. The additional speed and cavalry bonuses make them scarier than just supplying an additional two shots.

Looks good otherwise - solid front line, spear support, decent archery and various dangerous heroes.

Author:  OilyJohn [ Tue Jul 14, 2015 2:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Eregion and Rivendell - 650 points

I've also been making some Rivendell lists recently, and when I included Gildor, I made all of his wood elves have bows and then have the spear rank as high elves. Which way do you guys think is better?

For Example:

----Warband 1 - 150 pts----
Gildor Inglorion
7 Noldorin Exiles with elf bows

----Warband 2 - 200 pts----
High Elf Captain with Shield
6 High Elf Warriors with shields
6 High Elf Warriors with spears

Author:  Goldman25 [ Tue Jul 14, 2015 4:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Eregion and Rivendell - 650 points

Isn't that first list just over the bow limit? 13 out of 37 with bows?

Author:  Dikey [ Tue Jul 14, 2015 4:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Eregion and Rivendell - 650 points

Goldman25 wrote:
Isn't that first list just over the bow limit? 13 out of 37 with bows?

heroes are not included in the bow limit.

Unless you expect to face many F5 enemies, I'd drop the Elven blades, as well as the bows on Elladan and Elrohir, then gave those two some nice horses. The additional speed and cavalry bonuses make them scarier than just supplying an additional two shots.

I agree.

Author:  GreenWood [ Tue Jul 14, 2015 7:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Eregion and Rivendell - 650 points

Depends on what you'll be facing. Against str 4 opponents the shields are a waste as your opponents hit on a 5+ anyway.

Winning fights is not your problem, killing is. I would choose blades over shields most days of the week.

But never (again) having both at the same time :)

Author:  Tungdil [ Wed Jul 15, 2015 6:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Eregion and Rivendell - 650 points

Oh yes, in my eagerness to compose the list, I totally forgot about the fact that I can not strike 2H with both the Elven Blade and the Shield equipped..

Also thanks for the tip about mounting the Twins!
Guess that does make more sense :)

Author:  Dikey [ Wed Jul 15, 2015 7:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Eregion and Rivendell - 650 points

GreenWood wrote:
Depends on what you'll be facing. Against str 4 opponents the shields are a waste as your opponents hit on a 5+ anyway.

but he doesn't know who is gonna fight against. Despite the fact that many S4 are around, most of the core troops are still S3 (any man-based army or horde).

Author:  Tungdil [ Wed Jul 15, 2015 8:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Eregion and Rivendell - 650 points

When picking out my first list I did consider arming the Wood Elves with bows, but I had not considered using the Noldorin Exile version. In retrospect I think that would be the most useful, thinking about the increased movement, especially in Woodland terrain. I tend to prefer that my archers also packs a punch in close combat, and as such the High Elf Warrior looked a bit more appealing with Defence 5, rather than Defence 3.. I do not have any High Elves with Spears yet, but I am trying to collect some as soon as possible :)

Here is the newest list:

Warband 1
6 High Elf Warriors with Elven Blade (or Shield depending on probable opposition)
5 High Elf Warriors with Spear

Warband 2
Elladan and Elrohir with Heavy Armour and Horse
5 High Elf Warriors with Elven Blade (or Shield depending on probable opposition)
5 High Elf Warriors with Spear

Warband 3
Gildor Inglorion
11 Noldorin Exiles with Elf Bow

Author:  OilyJohn [ Wed Jul 15, 2015 8:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Eregion and Rivendell - 650 points

With regards to not having any High Elves with spear, I don't have any either but I am going to convert some of my elven blade models to have spears.
Found these spears on eBay, though I'm not sure whether or not they can ship to Norway.

Also that is looking like a pretty solid list. If Gildor can cast hist immobilize effectively, the twins should be able to take down enemy heroes with ease.

Author:  Tungdil [ Thu Jul 16, 2015 7:08 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Eregion and Rivendell - 650 points

OilyJohn wrote:
With regards to not having any High Elves with spear, I don't have any either but I am going to convert some of my elven blade models to have spears.
Found these spears on eBay, though I'm not sure whether or not they can ship to Norway.

I have the exact some ones, just sitting on my shelf.... :)
Would love to hear/see your ideas for converting them, once you get around to it!

OilyJohn wrote:
Also that is looking like a pretty solid list. If Gildor can cast hist immobilize effectively, the twins should be able to take down enemy heroes with ease.

Yeah, I really like how the list has turned out so far!
It will inspire me to begin the work with my elves, and get some more models under my belt :D

Thanks again, John, your comments have been greatly appreciated!

Author:  OilyJohn [ Thu Jul 16, 2015 4:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Eregion and Rivendell - 650 points

I recently bought a box of Rivendell Knights, and that comes with 2 spare lances that I am going to cut down and use as spears, will post pictures here when they are done.

Author:  Tungdil [ Fri Jul 17, 2015 6:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Eregion and Rivendell - 650 points

Hehe, more good news, as I am about to buy 2-3 of those box sets.. :)

Author:  Rozinante [ Sun Jul 19, 2015 11:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Eregion and Rivendell - 650 points

I highly recommend spears on your Wood Elves for shielding & support options. I never use 2H weapons, as they don't help if you lose the fight...
Here is my vote:

8 High Elf Shield
3 High Elf Spear

8 High Elf Shield
4 High Elf Spear

12 Wood Elves with Bow and WE Spears.

Simple and solid, at only 650. Shooting ends quickly for Good; your bows must remain alive (shielding) and useful (supporting). Only with an extra 50 points, would I toughen the Twins (with Spear support, they'll win every fight anyway...) and grab that Noldorian Exile bonus.

Hope this helps.

PS: love those Knights--but so expensive in points, and so susceptible to Hurls... And all this assumes you want Most Competative List, not Most Fun.

Author:  OilyJohn [ Mon Jul 20, 2015 11:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Eregion and Rivendell - 650 points

The only thing I would personally change about this list is dropping 2 units to give the twins horses, or dropping 3 units to give them horses and heavy armour if you deem that necessary.

Author:  Rozinante [ Wed Jul 22, 2015 10:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Eregion and Rivendell - 650 points

Horses with the Twins is less appealling these days, now that they've lost their third attack while mounted. Lots of points for the same number of attacks as unmounted.

Yes, you get knockdown --but only two attacks if charged. Plus, some tournaments have a house rule that 'Spears can only support same size bases', despite the change on that. If that rule is in effect, that tips it for me: rather have 4 attacks if charged than just 2.

Plus, the Might drain on Heroic Moves, as you have to charge...

Not to mention: do you really need that knockdown? Four attacks (assuming support) at Strength 4 is plenty to kill most D6...and even D7, as four dice give you a pretty good chance to roll a six. Knockdown is nice, but usually overkill (unless you attack two enemies--your four Attacks against his four--then Knockdown would be handy)

Am I missing something?

Author:  OilyJohn [ Thu Jul 23, 2015 10:37 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Eregion and Rivendell - 650 points

I was actually unaware about the fact that the twins can't use 3 attacks while mounted. That is actually quite a big thing meaning that you're probably right that they are potentially better on foot. However I would personally still drop 1 unit to give them heavy armour.

Would I be right in thinking that this applies to all models with similar rules that can be mounted?

Author:  Rozinante [ Mon Jul 27, 2015 9:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Eregion and Rivendell - 650 points

OilyJohn wrote:

Would I be right in thinking that this applies to all models with similar rules that can be mounted?

I think it is a very specific rule for them, from a fear of them becoming overpowered for the points. And, OK, understandable: 5 attacks (with spear support) plus Knockdown--though you get that with pricier heroes. Those heroes, however, get a standard 3 Attacks without variables.

And sure: give them armour against arrows -- could be life saving when the might points run dry.

Author:  Tungdil [ Tue Jul 28, 2015 7:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Eregion and Rivendell - 650 points

Looking at the Special Rules, it is indeed clearly stated that the bonus attack only applies while on foot....

Well, that is a bit of a letdown, but I would still like to try them mounted, as they are "only" STR 4, and would still hugely benefit from the extra attacks when the opponent is knocked to the ground.

The "Banelord" Special Rule of Thranduil, also applies only when fighting on Foot.
So he does not gain the +1 Attack, and it looks like he also looses out on the additional attacks if he is engaged with more than one enemy, since the Special Rule begins with the "When fighting on foot...".

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