The One Ring

The Scouring of the shire! 500 points
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Author:  Malfrun [ Tue Jun 23, 2015 11:11 pm ]
Post subject:  The Scouring of the shire! 500 points

Hello everybody this is my first ever list so I was thinking there must be something not as good as it could be and I was just looking for some feedback.Just to add I'm definitely theme over how good it is.

Sharkey (leader) with Worm

-8 ruffians w/ bows
-3 uruk-hai berserkers

orc captain w/ shield

-6 orc warriors w/ shield
-5 orc warriors w/ spear
-1 orc warrior w/ banner

Thrydan Wolfbane on horse

-4 Dunlending warriors w/ shields
-4 Orc Warriors w/ spears
-4 warg riders

thats 493pts
Thanks, Any feedback appreciated.

Edited to remove points values

Dr Grant

Author:  Dr Grant [ Wed Jun 24, 2015 11:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Scouring of the shire! 500 points

HI Malfrun, welcome to the forum, I've edited your post. Putting up armies lists and asking for advice is fine but we're not allowed to put the individual points values up.


Dr G

Author:  Malfrun [ Wed Jun 24, 2015 1:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Scouring of the shire! 500 points

oh yes of course! Thanks, I will try and remember.

Author:  Salattu [ Thu Jun 25, 2015 11:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Scouring of the shire! 500 points

I find this list a bit scattered. Saruman probably collected many kind creatures in shire, but mostly men and halforcs. Ruffians and orcs could represent this best.

Berserkers are cool idea. They look really good bodyguard, and after sharkey transfixes someone they will hit him really hard. A list could look like this: 497p, 52 units, 7 might. Its counted each ruffian has whip or bow.

*Sharkey and Worm
-6 uruk berserkers
-5 orc warrior

*Orc Captain, shield
-12 orc warrior

*Orc Captain
-12 ruffian

*Orc Captain
-12 ruffian

Author:  Malfrun [ Thu Jun 25, 2015 1:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Scouring of the shire! 500 points

hmm yeh, I suppose the dunland didn't fit.
will probably change to be more like that, I thought feral uruk-hai would fit more but I didn't really see the benefit over beserkers

Author:  LordoftheBrownRing [ Thu Jun 25, 2015 8:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Scouring of the shire! 500 points

I like the list but I would make Thrydan the leader in a competitive scenario.

Otherwise looks cool. I'd love to battle you with some Hobbits haha seems fun.

Author:  Malfrun [ Fri Jun 26, 2015 12:25 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Scouring of the shire! 500 points

haha I haven't got all of it at the moment but If there was ever a chance I would.

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