The One Ring |
Mordor ArmyList |
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Author: | undivided [ Sun Jun 07, 2015 1:55 pm ] |
Post subject: | Mordor ArmyList |
Hey guys, so I usually play good but my brother likes to play evil. We only have a small collection of evil but I don't know which army to grow and which heroes he should pick up. He would really like to do well at our next tournament and I think he would like the most cheese possible likely. (I'm the opposite! haha) Anyway we have: Mordor: Dark Marshall The Betrayer Shelob Orc Captain 24 Orcs, 6 Morgul Knights Goblin Town: Everything that comes from EoGT set Hunter Orcs: 12 Hunter Orcs on Fell Wargs Isengard: Saruman 8 Urukhai, 2 Berserkers And thats all we have right now! Using what I have to the best of my ability and adding what would be a good competitive force for him to get into? Thanks for all the help! |
Author: | Salattu [ Sun Jun 07, 2015 2:23 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Mordor ArmyList |
For 399 points, Dark Marshal, Orc Captain and Shelob with 24 orcs would be really good combination. Dark Marshal works as a banner, and banner helps shelob a lot. Shelob has good fight-value and strenght and charging ability, only problem is 2 attacks (on charge) when resolving which side wins - that's exactly what banner helps at. You get 499 points if u replace 6 orcs with 6 knights and add a horse to nazgul. In this option shelob and knights can work as a fast shock-troop, all have terror so humans especially have difficulty to stop them. |
Author: | undivided [ Sun Jun 07, 2015 8:47 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Mordor ArmyList |
Hey! thanks for the reply, I should have said usually we try and play 500-750 points. Also that is great feedback thanks! |
Author: | polywags [ Fri Jun 19, 2015 7:43 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Mordor ArmyList |
Hey! I just started working on a Mordor list too. I've had a few sets of orcs for a while but now I am trying to build an actual list. I think the morannon orcs are the way to go, at least for the front rank but the str 4 spear support too. They Dark Marshal is definitely good, I have the Shadow Lord, whos cool and I like the model a little better so I think I am gonna use him. I just got a morannon orc shaman, which I also think is pretty good. Then I think that Shagrat war leader is also pretty bad ass I just haven't picked one up yet though. |
Author: | Salattu [ Fri Jun 19, 2015 10:40 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Mordor ArmyList |
Most units work at least somehow. Main thing is to make up a themic that person likes himself, and to use units that attract visually! Shagrat seems interesting choice for an army. It ain't bad (though f is lowish). Shagrat could work in earlier times... or maybe after loss at minas tirith? A shelob with shagrat could be fun, though effectiveness can be questioned. Or then just a mordor troll... Or maybe a pack of morgul stalkers or warg riders? Rule of many leaders is a little distract to massing normal orcs. But at least i find them rly good looking, they look just what mordor should look! And their stats are not bad. They are nearly equal to 8p warrior of minas tirith with just 5p. Anyways hf making lists, when u know more u will surely get some improvement ideas here! |
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