The One Ring

Rohan 500pts and 750pts
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Author:  Galanur [ Sat Apr 25, 2015 8:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Rohan 500pts and 750pts

I need some opinions on this list.

I wanted to try "old Rohan"

Rohan Army 500pts list 1

Warband 1
Eorl the Young
7 Riders of Rohan (6x with throwing spears)

Warband 2
Grimbold of Grimslade
6 Helmingas with shield
4 Rohan Royal Guards

Warband 3
Rohan Captain with heavy armour and shield
4 Rohan Royal Guards
4 Helmingas with shield

Warband 4
King´s huntsman

Total: 500pts
models: 29
might: 9
bows: 7
throwing spears 6

Rohan Army 500pts List 2

Warband 1
Eorl the Young
6 Riders of Rohan (4x with throwing spears)

Warband 2
Grimbold of Grimslade
6 Helmingas with shield
6 outriders

Warband 3
Rohan Captain with heavy armour and shield
4 Rohan Royal Guards
5 Helmingas with hand weapon

Warband 4
King´s huntsman

Total: 500pts
models: 31
might: 9
bows: 12
throwing spears 4

For 750pts List 1 or 2 adding the last warband nº 5

Warband 5
Captain of Rohan with heavy armour, shield and horse
5 Sons of Eorl
5 Rohan Outriders on horse

Total: 750pts
might: 9
models: 43
bows: 14
throwing spears: 14

What you guys think of all this? can it work nice?

Author:  jericho2597 [ Sat Apr 25, 2015 8:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rohan 500pts and 750pts

Ill just add in that I think the Kings Huntsman is actually an independent hero and cannot lead a warband :sad:

Author:  Galanur [ Sat Apr 25, 2015 9:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rohan 500pts and 750pts

omg youre right lol I always forgot that, hence why I never played rohan over 5 years now :P

I need to make a redone on the lists above

Author:  Galanur [ Sat Apr 25, 2015 9:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rohan 500pts and 750pts

I´ve updated...

What you think?

Author:  Dikey [ Sat Apr 25, 2015 10:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rohan 500pts and 750pts

the last list has still the King's Huntman has a leader.

I'm surprised, actually. The first Rohan I've seen without Erkenbrand. Usually, Erkenbrand is the only thing one is actually sure to find, in a Rohan army.
I think that Rohan strenght lies in the Cavalry, which you are considering only has a support. Fact is, Rohan infantry ain't good. F3 and low Def with lack of spear support are a major letdown.
But, if you want to go with an infantry Rohan, you should at least change the bowmen with the outriders. Same price, better unit.

Author:  Galanur [ Sat Apr 25, 2015 11:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rohan 500pts and 750pts

ohh my bad forgot the review the 750pts list :P

And yea I know erkenbrand its like the golden apple in all rohan list but still Im just consider rohan cav as support rather than main reason to field them. (just like what an army looks like) using the sledgehammer to flank/support and deal the killing blow.

Although I know Rohan infantry aint the best around, they got enough numbers to make those S4 feel on the enemy. and I do also have royal guard, the only guys on foot to take F4.

I could eventually make a more elite type of army with more royal guard though...

At 750pts the "support" role of cav starts to shape into the main advantage again as the last warband the nº5 its just made of riders, the captain aint nothing that special other than being cheap and fill up space, along with it 4 deadly sons of eorl and the support of better shooting with 5 outriders.

Why im so picky with king huntsman? Hes the only best model after legolas and "almost" auto hit a target with in the way rolls. For example hes excelent to shoot at enemy heroe mounts. Taking the mount of a mighty heroe will hinder the enemy movement progress. It will also allow my heroes (which arent that great, even eorl) to gain a bit more upper hand when charging those heroes on foot.

Although prob I should had got more shooting on foot to support the king hunstman. But then since its a melee mobile force and the shooting its alot mobile, this would be the only foot model that actually wont hinder my force like most foot bow archer forces where if you include alot of em with bow and without spear support, the archers will be excluded half the turns trying to move forward again into the line to help their mates in melee

Author:  chiefhugh [ Sun Apr 26, 2015 5:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Rohan 500pts and 750pts

If its just a list to have fun with, its fine.
With all those week foot troops...your'e going to be the one getting smashed.
I suggest modeling your force to mimic the all mounted Rohan army from the GBHL videos on youtube.
Erkenbrand And Eomer are the go to guys for Rohan.
Also sons of Eorl and outriders can really do some damage if used properly.
Have fun.

Author:  Trickrick [ Sun Apr 26, 2015 11:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Rohan 500pts and 750pts

I would agree 100% with what chiefhugh has said.

Author:  Dikey [ Sun Apr 26, 2015 4:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rohan 500pts and 750pts

The 500 points Rohan in GBHL channel is truly a force to be reckoned with. But it's made by another player for his own style and taste. As powerful as it is, one should have fun while playing it. If it doesn't fit Galanur's taste, it's out.

But what chiefhugh wrote it's true, I think.
Eorl is a good hero to lead cavalry, but you still may want to consider Erkenbrand to bring in F4 riders. F4 now is quite common in many armies, a F3 Rider, even when charging, may find himself in trouble very easily, expecially against pike blocks.

the king's huntsman is a risky choice. It may not pay back. he's good to deal the finishing blows to heroes but, at that point, the target will probably be in the middle of the fight and you won't be able to shoot anymore.

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