The One Ring

Starting with Thranduil's Halls
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Author:  General Ly Average [ Tue Apr 14, 2015 7:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Starting with Thranduil's Halls

Hello everyone,

I love the new Thranduil's Halls models and really want to get a force of them. However, as I'm sure you all know they are a pretty expensive option, what with their basic troops in finecast packs of 3, but I don't want to make the mistake of going overboard on elites either. I'm on a tight budget but want to use them in your average sized points game so I'm only going up to 500-600 points.

Here's my idea for a 500 point List:

W1: Thranduil, King of the Woodland Realm on Horse
6 Mirkwood Elves with Glaive
6 Mirkwood Elves with Blade and Shield

W2: Legolas Greenleaf with Elven Cloak
10 Mirkwood Rangers

I know it's no tournament winner but I'm trying to use as many models that I already own (hence Legolas instead of Tauriel, who I think would do better here) and an expensive hero (arguably 2 expensive heroes) to keep the cost down while still getting the cool stuff in. Can anyone help me tweak it while not breaking the bank? Cheers

Author:  polywags [ Tue Apr 21, 2015 6:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Starting with Thranduil's Halls

Get some elves with bows. Since the rangers don't count towards your bow limit you can 4 elves with bows in your other warband. Otherwise you end up wasting some points on their special rule which you aren't using on all of them.

Author:  WhoelsebutHaldir [ Thu Apr 23, 2015 6:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Starting with Thranduil's Halls

Personally I would say get a box of Palace Guard and a box of Mirkwood Rangers, those two boxes along with the Thranduil and Legolas you already own can make a fairly effective force at around 500pts. Then I would say get 1 of each of the rugular Mirkwood Troop blisters and you will be well on your way to a highly effective army at 500 pts. Once you have all that you really won't need to buy much more, unless you want to go above 500pts. In that case I would say buy 1 more of each of the Mirkwood troop blisters and 1 of either: Old Thranduil, New Leoglas, or Tauriel. Once you have that you should be able to comfortably go up to 750pts.

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