The One Ring

Dwarf themes…. The Firebeards of the Eered Luin
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Author:  mertaal [ Thu Jan 16, 2014 4:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Dwarf themes…. The Firebeards of the Eered Luin

I'm currently on a mission to speed paint a number of workable armies for the worthy purpose of building up game experience with different sorts of force, and having painted miniatures to play a verity of games and scenarios with. Fun fun fun.

However, at heart I'm a modeller, and at the same time I do want to work on something a bit more special.

So, to the lore-books!

Many years ago, as an 11 year old kid I started playing Warhammer Fantasy Battle, and Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay. The year was 1991. My first love was for Dwarves, and so I've decided that Dwarves will be what I concentrate this effort on. I'd like to build up a well painted Dwarf army, perhaps including a few conversions, and special characters. Most of all, I want an alternate theme for this army.
I'm certainly happy enough to use the current Dwarf rules, both Erebor and Durin's Folk, and base the new theme on those models, perhaps with a little basic conversion work on the rank and file, but nothing too drastic.

The Dwarves of the Iron Hills are probably going to be seen in the last Hobbit film, perhaps the Dwarves of the Blue Mountains also, but less has been said of them.

So I've set my heart on creating a force from the Blue Mountains.

Here, I think there isn't much to go on. I've read the Silmarillion, Hobbit, LotR (including appendices) and dipped in and out of Unfinished Tales and Children of Hurin. As far as I can tell, the development of the Dwarves from the Blue Mountains is reasonably sparse.

There were two great cities: Belegost and Nogrod. There were also two houses of dwarves associated with the Blue Mountains: the Broadbeams and the Firebeards.
From what I can tell, there is no mention of whether one of these houses was associated more or less with each of these cities, or if the populations were more intermingled.
It's also mentioned that after the War of Wrath both of these cities were ruined, and many of the surviving Dwarves from those places went to Khazad Dum.
Belegost was ruined utterly, while Nogrod seems to have been rebuilt.

Now, when going on very little "canon" information, I'm quite happy to extrapolate a bit, make some guesses and a decision. I'm not really interested in how computer game portrayals paint things. As far as I'm concerned, they're no more canon than I am.
Peter Jackson? Well, I have a lot more respect for what he creates, but in this case I don't much fancy waiting till next year in case he makes a clear portrayal of the Firebeards of the Ered Luin.

So far then, I've decided then, that Nogrod was mostly a city ruled by the Firebeards, while Belegost was largely Broadbeam. Within those two broad sweeps i imagine there was much intermingling of the populations, so that while the lords of the city might be mostly from one Dwarf Clan, there would be some diversity at the more ordinary ends of the social spectrum.

So, I wish to make an army for the restored and rebuilt city of Nogrod, who will, therefore, be mostly of the Firebeard clan.

I also imagine that the visual cultural differences between the different dwarf clans would be about as acute or perhaps even less acute than that of the different elven houses. But I do want to draw some sort of distinction.

For a start, presumably, fire beards will be more auburn and redheaded, generally speaking. I was also thinking of a bit more of a "conventional" viking appearance.
I do want to avoid getting too "warhammery"- trollslayers, beefy shoulder pads, etc.

However, ordinary dwarf warriors with a bit more fur trimming and some viking horns… maybe. (yes I know that vikings actually never wore helmets with the hollywood horns, but it's an aesthetic.

Anyway, I just thought I'd throw this out there, and see if anyone else had any ideas, saw any problems, or knew a bit more than I do on the subject of the Dwarves of the Blue Mountains!

Author:  Erunion [ Thu Jan 16, 2014 5:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dwarf themes…. The Firebeards of the Eered Luin

Sounds cool. Can't wait to see some of your conversions!

Author:  Oldman Willow [ Thu Jan 16, 2014 6:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dwarf themes…. The Firebeards of the Eered Luin

I am looking forward to reading what you think and what you decide to do.
I have a question. Why to Warhammer dwarfs have crossbows and GW LOTR dwarfs don't. Warhammer and most High fantasy was based on LOTR in the first place. I don't believe there is a justification or have I over looked it?

Author:  Laevos [ Thu Jan 16, 2014 6:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dwarf themes…. The Firebeards of the Eered Luin

As you say, Firebeards seems to suggest that they have red hair and beards. You can also extend this into the general colour scheme, using lots of red, orange and yellow. As for conversions, adding fur to the models would already give them a very different look from most dwarves. Most basic dwarves also do not have cloaks, so adding cloaks to those will also help them look distinct.

Author:  JamesR [ Thu Jan 16, 2014 7:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dwarf themes…. The Firebeards of the Eered Luin

Sounds great! I've been working on a Codex of sorts for the Dwarves of Nordinbad (from War in the North) so projects like this are up my alley so to speak

Author:  Ellorindar [ Thu Jan 16, 2014 8:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dwarf themes…. The Firebeards of the Eered Luin

In terms of obscure Dwarf clans with great modeling potential, I would like to point you in the direction of the petty dwarves. Just in case you haven't read either The Silmarillion or the Children of Hurin, the petty dwarves are a clan of dwarves made up of outcasts and exiles. Existing in the first age, they were diminished in skill from the original families of the dwarves. In modeling terms they would be disheveled without any set weaponry or heraldry. Heavily cloaked, perhaps a few bearing sacks and torches, they would likely be gruff and careworn.

Author:  mertaal [ Thu Jan 16, 2014 10:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dwarf themes…. The Firebeards of the Eered Luin

The Petty Dwarves are a really cool idea, but they died out in the first age. I'm quite keen to use an army which is set in the Third Age. It'll upset my OCD facing named heroes of the War of the Ring, or Hobbit ;).

OMW: I don't think Tolkien ever mentioned crossbows in his works, so the uruk crossbowmen are simply a PJ invention which GW adopted. I'm quite glad they didn't extrapolate that concept out to other races tbh. I think they're not very "Middle Earth".

So I'm thinking of fur trim and cloaks, horned helms and red beards. A predominance of copper and rose golds, and deep blue and grey cloth.

I'm trying to work out if I want things like Khazad Guard to have exact equivalents or maybe go a bit further from the conventional look. Basically I'm wrestling with easy to understand proxys, out of respect for my opponents, or getting a bit more creative.

I definitely don't want to be the guy with the pain in the ass army.

I'd like for it to be tournament legal, but not especially worried about it being games workshop legal. I have no real intention of attending their events, and even if I decided to, there are other things I can take.

So I'm browsing Red Box Games for ideas ;).

Author:  Hashut's Blessing [ Fri Jan 17, 2014 1:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Dwarf themes…. The Firebeards of the Eered Luin

Another simple way would be to have them all with a different weapon - for example, most LotR Dwarfs have axes, with a lot of Hobbit ones having swords. Maybe go with large numbers of hammers/maces/cudgels/staves/morning stars/warpicks or whatever?

Author:  mertaal [ Fri Jan 17, 2014 7:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Dwarf themes…. The Firebeards of the Eered Luin

That's a very nice idea, and as the Dwarves of Nogrod were famed smiths, the hammer might be a good choice.

And possibly a good family sigil…


Author:  Hashut's Blessing [ Fri Jan 17, 2014 2:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dwarf themes…. The Firebeards of the Eered Luin

Cheers and no problem. I like the family sigil idea as well.

If they're famed smiths, would it maybe worthwhile making some counters from anvils/stockpiles/ingots and such? Always nice to have thematically tied counters (for objectives and such).

A few aprons on some of them may be an idea, but not sure how well it'd fit in the battle context ;)

Author:  mertaal [ Fri Jan 17, 2014 2:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dwarf themes…. The Firebeards of the Eered Luin

Indeed- although a nice idea.

The anvils and other smith like materials are a nice idea too. Who doesn't like objective counters!?

As far as the aesthetic is concerned, I feel most should have red, red-brown or grey/white beards. They should wear blue and blue grey for the blue mountains from which they hail, and Royal accents of deep red. The occasional ruby gem might be fitting here and there also.
A dirth of grey and black wolf pelts in the form of trimming or cloaks, and the previously mentioned horned helmets. Perhaps even a few winged helms, although from a modelling point of view, I might avoid that. I'll play around and see if I can get a good effect.
Hammers and Axes, amongst the rank and file, definitely. The most conventionally "heroic" weapon will be the hammer, but some heroes might prefer an axe or even, occasionally, a sword.

And I have, on my tube journey to work, compiled the succession of kings, which towards the bottom, turns in to a family tree, which will explain the context of the character models i choose:

The Lords of the Firebeards of Nogrod. Logi's kin :

First Age:
Logi- the first. Firehand.
Nagli Naugladur the Covetous*
I Nogrim the Banished*
Gisli Son of Thorkil, son of Nagli

Destruction of Nogrod and SECOND AGE

Logi II
Thorkil Elf-friend
Lorin the young (2nd of his name)
Throll the Wanderer
Throkk Khazakimbul (I)
Gimli halfhand
Throkk the Mason (reconstruction of Nogrod) (II)
Lokor II
Fundin Stoneaxe
Grimir The Beardless
Lorin Greytooth

Throkk (III)
Otki Ironbrow
Fundin II
Uzbir Strongarm
Thorkil Orcbane II
Throkk IV
*Throkk IV Torgrim Thorgrim
*Gisli *Hagnr Lokir Lokim Throll
*Thekk Fundin Throll Hrutr Thorkil Horkil Gisli

*denotes kingship

Author:  mertaal [ Fri Jan 17, 2014 3:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dwarf themes…. The Firebeards of the Eered Luin

Bah- no formatting. I'll have to save it as an image or something.

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