The One Ring

Newbies pure Dunlending army (500pts)
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Author:  Darthvegeta800 [ Tue Jan 14, 2014 4:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Newbies pure Dunlending army (500pts)

New to the game, I'm preparing a list here. For the moment based on the 'The Two Towers Sourcebook' though I ordered the Real of Men and the Fallen Realms sourcebook so if it has updated Dunlending rules... I shall modify at that time.

One thing is certain as soon as i have the new sourcebook I will be adding in the 'hero' the Dunlendings have. Thrydan Wolfsbane.

Given Dunlending rarity i'm using their captains as normal men and suitable looking other figs as the 'unique' looking captains, each with its own little background.

For now... this is temporary:

Dunlending Captain 50pts (represented by Grimbold) w/ 2 handed axe (5pts) - 55pts
Dunlending Captain 50pts (represented by Eowyn on foot) - 50pts

2 Dunlending Warriors (6pts) with Banner (25pts) - 62pts
15 Dunlending Warriors (6pts) with 2 Handed Axe (1pt)- 105pts
10 Dunlending Warriors (6pts) with bow (1pts) - 70pts
20 Dunlending Warriors (6pts) with shield (1pts) - 140pts

Total 482pts - 18pts left.

Doubt i'll be able to find more bows. I may be able to squeeze in a few more 2 handed axe guys.
And i can easily buff up the warriors.
Number count won't be a problem though if i put in the Dunlending Hero, given that he's probably over 100pts.

Author:  Bilbo [ Tue Jan 14, 2014 6:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Newbies pure Dunlending army (500pts)

Not wishing to discourage, but the majority of the miniature range has now gone OOP (out of production), and as fine as a list may be the majority of miniatures are no longer available. Rather than giving existing non Dunland miniatures an alternative paint job (which will bar them from most tournaments etc) why not just collect an army that is available?

There has been an update to the rules whereby one hero can have up to 12 troops as followers. To field the 47 troops you will now need at least 4 heroes to lead them.

I actually dislike G.W. for selling source books that contain rules for miniatures that are no longer available. I think that in all fairness they should include a notice of such!

Author:  Darthvegeta800 [ Tue Jan 14, 2014 6:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Newbies pure Dunlending army (500pts)

I... actually got most of them. At a discount at the local store...
They're selling it at 50% off.

4 of the 2 hander guys are Captains. I got 3 banners. 1 10 man box that was leftover and some blisters with bowmen, 2 handers and normal warriors.
And online i got a few more guys.
Add to that the still existing warriors i can get from the website and the official hero... I can actually make the army :)

Thanks for the heroes info -> ordered the Hobbit mini book of ebay. Atm i'm reading the old rules still.

Author:  MeatBoy1994 [ Tue Jan 14, 2014 6:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Newbies pure Dunlending army (500pts)

This list is illegal as it doesnt follow the warband rules... :(

Author:  Gondorian Captain [ Tue Jan 14, 2014 7:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Newbies pure Dunlending army (500pts)

Hey mate,

First up great theme there, Dunlend doesn't have much beyond the basic warrior and chieftain but they look a fun army on paper.

Second under the warband rules you'd need a hero for every 12 warriors, so for the army there with 47 warriors you would need 2 more heroes.

You mentioned getting hold of Thyrdan (kinda hard not too for a big dunlend army :) ) this will give you a 3rd hero, for a 4th you could perhaps use Saruman (would also fill points for bigger games) or perhaps some allied orc captains or uruk-hai (I know its not strictly dunlend but they all serve the white hand, your call there)

In regard to using the chieftains as normal warriors...against regular mates and in casual gaming you'll be fine. At tournaments people can get picky about it (The use of proxies is a big can of worms debate I wont go into here). If tournaments aren't a big thing for you then cool, just pointing out that if you do bring your dunlendings to one to check with the organisers first.
Also, conversions make people happy, if you've really worked hard to make Grimbold look like a hero of dunlend and Eowyn a maiden of their tribes, people will be a lot more accepting and agreeable to play against them.

Hope that was useful, trying to encourage without being preachy :)

PS. The models are quite scarce but you never know, keep an eye on ebay and be patient, the trade thead could also be of use to you :)

Author:  Darthvegeta800 [ Tue Jan 14, 2014 7:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Newbies pure Dunlending army (500pts)

Since I need a lot of captains i may actually use them instead of the heroes. I'll see. Local store still has a discount and i'm gonna see what i can scrounge up there.
Given that I need to field more heroes and less minions I may field them for their original purpose.

I'm getting someone's old Orcs and Nazgul. So I may put one of those in there.

I was also wondering about perhaps using a Nazgul as a hero... if that's possible in the rules? If so would you opt for a generic one or do you think a special one would be better?

I actually have an old 'generic' Nazgul lying around somewhere :)

Author:  Gondorian Captain [ Tue Jan 14, 2014 7:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Newbies pure Dunlending army (500pts)

It's certainly possible to field a Nazgul alongside your Dunlendings.

The only hitch is that he wont be able to lead a warband of Dunlendings.
Heroes can only lead warriors from their faction, so Eowyn can only lead rohirrem, Faramir can only lead gondor and Nasgul or Black riders or their named versions can only lead warriors from Mordor, Angmar and a coupld of others.

Your nazgul could join on his own as a support hero or you could use him to add some orcs into the mix, completely up to you.

Author:  Darthvegeta800 [ Tue Jan 14, 2014 7:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Newbies pure Dunlending army (500pts)

Aah okidoki. Good to know.
Well i'll still dig him up I think. Once i finish the Dunlendings i'll spruce up the Orcs i'm getting. Nazgul would be cool to lead them i think. :)

Though I'm inclined to let the 2nd group be Saruman and some Uruk-Hai. Just because well... they match well and i love the Uruk armor more.

Author:  Gondorian Captain [ Tue Jan 14, 2014 8:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Newbies pure Dunlending army (500pts)

In terms of playing you will find that the dunlendings lack spears to help them hold a battle line. You either need to use numbers to flank the enemy or look at allying pikes in to help out.
Also remember shielding, you don't strike blows but you double the dice to win a fight. The centre of your line can hold up a greater number of troops by shielding while the rest of your army gets around the enemy.

Author:  Darthvegeta800 [ Tue Jan 14, 2014 8:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Newbies pure Dunlending army (500pts)

Thanks for the info.
I've been reading the rules lately and the Uruk-Hai Pikemen seem quite useful in combination with the Dunlendings.

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