The One Ring

Tips for a siege?
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Author:  Batman of The Shire [ Mon Nov 25, 2013 11:40 am ]
Post subject:  Tips for a siege?

Hey guys, playing a siege in a few days and i need some advice. I will be running 900pts of Isengard including Saruman, mauhur, a few crossbowmen, a bomb squad and as many uruks with swords as i can. Any tips for attacking a castle?

Author:  SouthernDunedain [ Mon Nov 25, 2013 11:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Tips for a siege?

Dont :P

Sieges are very hard to win, mainly because you can only climb ladders one at a time and you count as attacking a barrier (which means you have to pass a 5+ ITW to strike the defender). Also in the new rules, unless you are playing the helms deep scenario, walls cannot be blown up. I would focus all your ladders on one wall section, ideally the one with the least heroes, and the rest of your army to attack the gate.
You could also use Saruman to blast people off the wall, that'd be fun.

Author:  Leonardis [ Mon Nov 25, 2013 12:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Tips for a siege?

Use your trolls to bash the gates open and then charge in!
Just like at Mina's Tirith!

Author:  RefluentMonk [ Mon Nov 25, 2013 12:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Tips for a siege?

Trolls , did not "bash the gate open" remember it was a certain Mr . Grond that did that :)

Author:  RefluentMonk [ Mon Nov 25, 2013 12:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Tips for a siege?

Also Sieges take forever 4-6hours , and require a fortress to attack. ( which needs to be built )

Author:  Reto [ Mon Nov 25, 2013 1:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Tips for a siege?

You have only one advantage, you can chose where to strike. Focus your effort on one part of the wall and use some heavy hitters to breach it. Once breached, the battle is in your favor :)

Author:  RefluentMonk [ Mon Nov 25, 2013 1:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Tips for a siege?

Depends if you cause two breach at once thereby thinning their bulk of their army and causing it to spread to contain each breach.

Author:  Bilbo [ Mon Nov 25, 2013 3:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Tips for a siege?

My tip would be "Take Mordor!".

Personally I have 2 Mordor Catapults with siege trolls and would suggest black numenorean "siege veteran" crew "flaming ammunition" and would advise sitting back and pounding the enemy into the dust of their ex fortifications!

The catapults I feel are the one uncorrected area in the SBG which are ridiculously overpowered in sieges, particularly with their "area effect" special rule pretty much wounding any enemy troops on a 4+ within 2"! They are however next to useless against "battle field targets". GW could really do with correcting the balance.

A solid wall of defence around these machines would be advisable to fend of the enemy sallying out!

Author:  Bilbo [ Mon Nov 25, 2013 3:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Tips for a siege?

Hi Reto,

What coat of arms is that on your Mordor Orc banner?

Author:  JamesR [ Mon Nov 25, 2013 3:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Tips for a siege?

Bilbo wrote:
A solid wall of defence around these machines would be advisable to fend of the enemy sallying out!

I think that occurrence would be desirable as the attacker lol, makes it easier to win when the enemy comes out.

I think you're list will have a hard time as it stands. I'd recommend 1 or two ballistas to destroy the gates and any other weak points before you even charge in. If there's only 1 gate you should bombard the wall either where you want your ladders to be or near the gate to cover your advancing troops.

Side note: from my experience your points will not be enough unless you are facing a force of 450 or less. The fortress makes that much of a difference

Author:  Imladris96 [ Mon Nov 25, 2013 4:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Tips for a siege?

In my experience, Archers! Archers! Archers! snipe as many as you can before you get locked in battle. Worked heaps of times with my elves against mordor.

Author:  Bilbo [ Mon Nov 25, 2013 5:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Tips for a siege?

If you are going to take Isengard, lots of crossbowmen will be essential. Also I would definitely take a ballista as its "Raise the Ladders" special rule can get a ladder riding Berserker (etc) into combat in one turn. Breaking in is the real challenge, and this ability is a boon to such!

Author:  Leonardis [ Mon Nov 25, 2013 6:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Tips for a siege?

RefluentMonk wrote:
Trolls , did not "bash the gate open" remember it was a certain Mr . Grond that did that :)

Grond didn't drag himself across the battle field and swing himself into the gates, he had a little help from the trolls!

Author:  Bilbo [ Mon Nov 25, 2013 7:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Tips for a siege?

Leonardis wrote:
RefluentMonk wrote:
Trolls , did not "bash the gate open" remember it was a certain Mr . Grond that did that :)

Grond didn't drag himself across the battle field and swing himself into the gates, he had a little help from the trolls!

Every motorbike needs an engine! Hi Lenardis, did you guys have a battle yesterday?

Author:  Leonardis [ Mon Nov 25, 2013 7:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Tips for a siege?

No, I couldn't go, but managed to get a battle in on Friday afternoon, khandish mounted vs Erebor dwarves 500pnts with Southerndunedian - how you!?

Author:  typhoon2 [ Mon Nov 25, 2013 8:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Tips for a siege?

Forget TH: SBG and go back to LOTR:SBG - the 'siege' (escalade) rules are more comprehensive and actually playable compared to TH. The Grand Siege scenario calls for a ratio of 4 points of attackers to 3 defenders, with the former also benefiting from a hand-held ram, two siege towers and as many ladders as can be carried. if you don't have these then it's very difficult to balance the scenario. It's also difficult to balance with extrapolating the forces from the original 500/375 (I've played 2000/1500 before now and it was unpleasant for the defenders - eight siege towers were bad enough but sheer numbers overwhelmed the defenders in short order.

The gate is the weak spot and it can be smashed down with an Isengard Troll or a beefed-up ram carried by Uruk Hai. UH are pretty much the best troops for attacking a fortification since their relatively high Fight value helps win fights and D6 helps survive when they don't. Falling off ladders is a nuisance so focus on siege towers (with banner support and Fury if possible).

Saruman is great for Compelling people to open gates - if he gets Line of Sight - but a less subtle Sorcerous Blast does a good job clearing the walls too.

If you can't breach walls with demolition charges then climb up a ladder until close to the top but still safe from Combat and detonate it there! It will clear the walls through the explosion or through the enemy backing off as fast as their little plastic legs can carry them!

Author:  Bilbo [ Mon Nov 25, 2013 10:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Tips for a siege?

Leonardis wrote:
No, I couldn't go, but managed to get a battle in on Friday afternoon, khandish mounted vs Erebor dwarves 500pnts with Southerndunedian - how you!?

Had a win against a cousin of mine on Tuesday using Gil Galad, Hobbits and high elves and eagles against Moria goblins lead by a dragon. Man was it close!

Author:  Reto [ Tue Nov 26, 2013 8:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Tips for a siege?

Bilbo wrote:
Hi Reto,

What coat of arms is that on your Mordor Orc banner?

Just scroll down for the pics of the shield itself:


It's the shield of the student organisation I'm part of.
The hartshield stands for the city of Leuven (red with a white stripe)
On the upper left side (from the shieldbearers viewpoint) there stands the "zirkel". It stands for: leve, groeie, bloeie Vlaams verbond. Or in English: live, grow, flourish Flemisch bond
The background has the colours black and yellow, symbolising Flanders and blue for our univeristy and the Holy Virgin Marry.
The upper right side comprises the shields of the five Flemish provinces.
On the downside left stands a Flemish lion, the symbol on our flag.
And on the right side there is an anagram for the vergin Marry or in Dutch Maria. So you can find the letters M A R I A. The three stars symbolise the zodiac sign of the Virgin and also the Holy trinity.

Author:  Bilbo [ Tue Nov 26, 2013 3:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Tips for a siege?

Interesting, learn something every day!

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