The One Ring

Follow-up to SoN post
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Author:  ArnorForTheWin [ Sun Nov 24, 2013 12:01 am ]
Post subject:  Follow-up to SoN post

So I've mostly decided on the warbands I will have, though some of it is in part that my friends and I don't use point values and in my Return of the King book (which I got when I was 6 and didn't give a frick about tabletop gaming and just liked seeing the models and pictures), it clearly states and shows a picture of a pikeman supporting a spearman and swordsman and the spearman supporting the swordsman, and the swordsman is in combat, so that is the rule I use since I don't do tournments and am a new player who is taking this as a fun hobby. My main concern is my main enemy will be Isengard. I also have mini Rohirrim, Mordor, Moria, and Isengard scout force of my own, but the biggest battles will be sieges and ruin battles, maybe an occasional forest skrimish between Gondor and Isengard. I am wondering how to counter this force in both castle siege and a normal battle. I will post my forces in a little bit.

Author:  JamesR [ Sun Nov 24, 2013 7:19 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Follow-up to SoN post

To be honest lacking points values or anything else in the rules really I don't think there's any real advice to be given. It sounds like you're winging the whole thing, which prevents me from having much context in which to offer strategic advise lol

Author:  Thermo [ Sun Nov 24, 2013 10:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Follow-up to SoN post

Hi there buddy,

Great that you and your friends are getting back into LOTR/Hobbit strategy battle game :)

I can highly recommend having a good look over the rules and starting as you mean to go on, with points games (which keeps things balanced and fun!) and using all the new rules. Not because your group aims to be competitive but because it will allow you all to savour the game as it is supposed to be played, in all it's glory :)

I recommend picking up the sourcebook for the faction you wish to play as and going from there.

Keep us all up to date!

Author:  mertaal [ Sun Nov 24, 2013 11:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Follow-up to SoN post

Yes, in fairness, if it's all just for fun, and you're not going to use points values, there's not a great deal of point in asking for tactical advice. If you're taking a competitive attitude towards the game then you really do need to use the points value system, and follow the rules as they are written.

Tactics are about using the rules to make your force as effective as it can be versus an opponent trying to do the same. If you're not going to follow the rules, then it's a bit of a fools errand.

There's absolutely nothing wrong with wargaming without points values "just for fun", but if that's what you're doing then you need to employ the "just for fun" attitude, rather than the "trying to win" attitude.

I also think "just for fun" is more suited to experienced gamers who tend to have the competitive thing out of their system, and might be wanting to explore the story/narrative side of the game rather than the competitive (although if you're really good you can manage both!).

Good luck with whatever you decide to do. Remember, the only real rule that matters is that you should both be having fun. If you're not, then you've got something wrong somewhere.

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