The One Ring

SBG Army Help - Is Arnor worth it?
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Author:  Balls of Dwarf [ Sun Mar 31, 2013 11:44 am ]
Post subject:  SBG Army Help - Is Arnor worth it?

A friend and i have been playing SBG for around 5 years now, and through our years of playing have found out that he adores the witch king, and i equally love the rangers, we've played most scenarios imaginable ranging from Amon Hen with all 100 uruks, to the Battle of Osgiliath, siege of Minas Tirith, and Battle of Pelennor combined game.

However we've become so used to such battles it's just become tedious so we decided to construct entirely new armies and invent our own scenarios, which we prefer to be huge. My friend has opted for Angmar, making sense as he likes to 'swarm' and he loves witchy, however i'm stuck on whether to construct an army of Arnor.

my worries are:
1. Warriors of Arnor only come in packs of 3 and there is no plastic sprue for them, so it could get quite costly quickly.
2. It's armies are a little limited for troops mainly being rangers and WOA, all foot troops, and i was wondering whether there was any way round the lack of mobility?
3.sort of related to the above but is there a way of fielding cavalry?
4. During the Witchkings destruction of Arnor, elves from Rivendell and Eregion came and helped out the Dunedain, so would i be allowed to use Elves in any of these battles?
5. Arnor has numerous heroes i.e King Arvedui, Malbeth the Seer, Arathorn and Halbarad, but without the rules or play testing them i don't know how they perform, and i don't particularly want to buy them to later find out i don't like them.

i have a solid Gondorian army, and as such i have 28 rangers, so i have a backbone theoretically for an Arnor army, so i if anyone has an Arnor army it'd be great to hear feedback about it, also any tips about fighting an army of Angmar would be great


Author:  JamesR [ Sun Mar 31, 2013 12:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: SBG Army Help - Is Arnor worth it?

You really have a lot to go through here lol so here goes.
1 EBay or similar services would be your friend on that because you are right in assuming it wound get pricey, that is why Arnor is literally the only army I have no pieces from.
2-4 I'm only really familiar with the lore from BFME2: Rise of the Witch King, so I know there certainly were eleves involved quite a bit. Glorfindal is the first that leaps to mind. But in so far as I know they have the only Cav you coułd field.
I am unsure about this but couldn't you field standard Gondor troops as well with them? Seeing as they were in essence two halves of one kingdom. If you could that would help with the Cav etc.
5 I can't help you with as I've never used any.

On your final question of fighting an Angmar army I can help a little.
To be honest there's no army weaker against Angmar (for Good) then Arnor. It makes sense as Angmar conquered Arnor but here's why:
In a standard battle a WoA is a little better than an Orc, higher Fight Valuer and Defense, but here's the key: EQUAL COURAGE!!!
WoA's have only 2 courage meaning Shades and Spectres will tear your troops apart. Barrow Wights are also monsters against WoA. And your troops will break easily.

This can be remedied if you take elves lol. Elves are as good as it gets against ghostly enemies so at least a few tossed in to your force to deal with your Ghostly foes would definately swing the odds a bit your way

Author:  ste271276 [ Sun Mar 31, 2013 12:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: SBG Army Help - Is Arnor worth it?

Convert some womt. See my thread!!
Cheap way to try them out

Author:  SuicidalMarsbar [ Sun Mar 31, 2013 12:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: SBG Army Help - Is Arnor worth it?

You could always convert your womt, all it takes is a loop of green stuff around the helmet and you have a warrior of arnor. You don't even necessarily need warriors of arnor at all - just go pure rangers and buy a few rangers of the north (youd need 7 if you have 28 rangers atm. All allies are legal with this game aslong as good are with good and evil with evil, so go ahead and buy some elves too. Infact whenever i paly rangers i have a hard time without allied rivendell troops. Arwen on horse is a great buy for only 70pts.

Author:  Monotone_Matt [ Sun Mar 31, 2013 1:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: SBG Army Help - Is Arnor worth it?

Mounted Rangers of the North are the only Arnor cavalry that come to my mind... They're not all that tricky to make if you're used to working with GS :)

Author:  LordElrond [ Sun Mar 31, 2013 2:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: SBG Army Help - Is Arnor worth it?

Regarding heroes, I find that arathorn is a steal for his points, and aragorn isildurs heir is very good value for points. But, in small games, I tend to ally in the galadhrim rather than high elves so I can take legolas. Arathorn has always done amazingly for me, killin at least 2 times his point value every game. Always try to take at least 4 elven archers as s3 bows are invaluable for taking out d5 and d7 troops.
Always keep aragorn out of range of a wizard or shoot the wizard with all o your archers and legolas. Aragorn with f1 an a1 is a sorry sight.
When facing angmar, either take out the troll with all of your arrows and leave the orcs or take out the orcs and leave the troll. Spectres are a complete menace and all spirit creatures. Shoot them too.

As for allies, legolas and maybe Gimli are worth it with aragorn isildurs heir because they're included in his special rules. Having said that, legolas with a bunch of galadhrim is a good ally in a small game. In larger games, take high elves instead of the galadhrim and still legolas, but in 500pts, the high elf heroes are too expensive and it is a waste to have a hero not leading any troops.

Also, if you make an alliance, in a 500pts game, try not to use the grey company 100% bow limit rule as rotns and dunedain really eat into your points quickly.

Gondor would be a possible ally as well, and you could even take some komts led by a captain and call them knights of annuminas.

Rohan is also a thematic ally if you go with the twins, aragorn and halbarad for your grey company heroes, and that sorts out the cavalry problem rather nicely I think.

If you have any more questions at any time, please ask. Post in this thread now and again to remind me about it, as I'm always learning new things and have yet to get any of the heroes of old arnor and yet to use angmar.

Advice vs angmar was judging on my games agianst Moria and battle reports I have read mainly.

Hope this helps,

Author:  Armandhammer [ Sun Mar 31, 2013 4:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: SBG Army Help - Is Arnor worth it?

EDIT: Post removed - Please refrain from posting links or instructions on how to acquire material which breaches GW's copyright - seriously guys they have eyes everywhere, don't put the One Ring at risk.

Author:  Denizen [ Sun Mar 31, 2013 6:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: SBG Army Help - Is Arnor worth it?

If you are looking for profiles than this might be your best friend:
[Edit: two in a row...? Really?]

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