The One Ring

Dwarven army
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Author:  Draxus [ Mon Jan 21, 2013 11:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Dwarven army

Hello everyone, am new on forum, and new to LOTR SBG,
need some help with army building. Atm i got Balin, Gimli, Dwarf king, Durin, Mardin, Dwarf (warrior) champion, Bannerman, 3 warriors (2 with s/hw, 1 2hw), 3 warriors with bow, 2 warden vault teams. I was planning to buy one box of warriors + one box of rangers, but I would like to hear some advices from more expirenced ppl, is that good move, and if it isnt, what should i buy. For start am planning 500 pts. After i complete some Durin's Folk army i plan on goin' for Dwarves of Erebor. Toughts on Durin's Folk + DoE allies? Thanks everyone.

Author:  LordElrond [ Mon Jan 21, 2013 11:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dwarven army

I don't know much about dwarves, but allying dwarves with dwarves might not be such a good idea as the troop are similar, so they have the same strengths and weaknesses. Not very thematic, but allying with Rohan might be a good idea, giving you a swarm of good warriors that compensate for your greatest weakness. The only thin then would be the lack of spears...

Author:  Thor [ Tue Jan 22, 2013 7:18 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Dwarven army

Depends on what scenerios you are going to play. If it's just defeat your enemy by defeating his army then It's a great idea to ally them with erebor dwarves. Otherwise your lack of movementspeed will defenitly be a big problem

Author:  Constantine [ Tue Jan 22, 2013 7:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Dwarven army

I don't know much about dwarves, but allying dwarves with dwarves might not be such a good idea as the troop are similar, so they have the same strengths and weaknesses

This is false. Durin's folk have no access to spears, expect the specialist Vault Wardens, while Erebor Dwarves have no access to bows. The only weakness that they share is their lack of mobility that could hamper you in some scenarios, if you do not compensate for it otherwise, for ex. allying them with cavalry.

I would definitely suggest you buying a box of Dwarf Warriors, a blister or two of Khazad Guards, and most certainly Floi Stonehand. His special rule is extemely useful to Dwarves. For 500 points Durin is not a sound choice as he is a higher level hero. In 500 points the better options you can include would be either Gimli, Balin, Floi, a Shieldbearer and obviously Captains. I am not so sure of how the Rangers perform with the nerf archery received in the new edition of the rules.

And welcome to the hobby! :gimli:

Author:  Draxus [ Tue Jan 22, 2013 6:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dwarven army

I forgot to add that i have 3 Iron Guard (from old metal blister) to.
Thanks everyone for advice, and special thanks to Constantine for very detailed reply, it helped a lot.
When i buy more things, ill write again for help on makin' some army list, untill then, bye, and thanks again. :gandalf:

P.S. Thanks for welcome note :)

Author:  Constantine [ Tue Jan 22, 2013 7:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dwarven army

No problem you are more than welcome. Iron guards are very good too, especially if used in conjunction with Khazads.

Thank you for your words, it's always a pleasure to help a fellow Dwarf player!

Author:  Draxus [ Sat Feb 23, 2013 6:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dwarven army

Time for update:
I finished painting what i had. So new minis are here, a lot to work on:
3x Iron Guard
8x Khazad Guard
12x Grimhammer Dwarves
12x Warriors (4 hw/s, 4 bow, 4 2h)
12x Rangers

Can any1 make some "test army list" from what i have, so i can give priority to paint models i need for that list. Most games I'll play vs uruk-hai army in 500pts. Thanks.

Author:  -Bolg- [ Sat Feb 23, 2013 7:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dwarven army

3iron guards
2kuazad guards

4kuazad guards


not the best list, but good to play, 8 might 25 units, so acceptable.
iron and kuazad guards are the best units for dwarves, so take them as mutch as possible.

Author:  MrDark12 [ Sat Feb 23, 2013 10:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dwarven army

I'm not a fan of Rangers, with the nerf to archery and the lowest defence in the Durin's folk list, as well as being more expensive than a warrior with a bow, I think they are over-costed and underpowered.

Khazad guard are (supposed) to be some of the best infantry in the game, so you could definitely use some of them, and maybe think of getting Iron Guard. Also maybe a Kings Champion, two banners and a hard hitting captain to led them.

The new Erebor warriors can give you spears, but you will need an Erebor hero (unless you have friends like mine and say they fall under Durins Folk).
Movement is a big issue in some games, but in some it doesn't matter. You should think about allying with Elves for Galadriam Knights, or Knights of Rivendell, expensive, but decent defence, good fight, bows and most important, movement.

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