The One Ring

500/750pt Elven army list
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Author:  Rural spice [ Mon Sep 03, 2012 12:43 am ]
Post subject:  500/750pt Elven army list

So.. here's my first list I've created since I came back to the hobby, not sure what to make of it, the most important thing I wanted to do was to keep it themed, which I've done (hopefully). Any constructive feedback is welcome.

500 point army list (499 points):

Erestor's squad:
- Erestor
- 4 High Elves with elven blade
- 4 High Elves with elf bow
- 4 High Elves with spear and shield

Legolas' company:
- Legolas with armour
- 4 Galadhrim Warriors with elf bow

Rumil's batallion:
- Rumil
- 4 Galadhrim Warriors with elven blade
- 5 Galadhrim Warriors with spear and shield


750 point army list (749 points):

Erestor's squad:
- Erestor
- 4 High Elves with elven blade
- 4 High Elves with elf bow
- 4 High Elves with spear and shield

Legolas' company:
- Legolas with armour
- 4 Galadhrim Warriors with elf bow
- 3 Galadhrim Warriors with elven blade

Rumil's batallion:
- Rumil
- 4 Galadhrim Warriors with elven blade
- 5 Galadhrim Warriors with spear and shield
- 1 Galadhrim Warrior with banner

Galadhrim mares:
- 1 Galadhrim Captain with armoured house, elven blade and shield
- 5 Galadhrim Knight with elven blade and shield

Author:  WhoelsebutHaldir [ Mon Sep 03, 2012 2:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 500/750pt Elven army list

I really like the names(battalion, mares... :D ) um...
-You only need a max of two elven blades per warband.
-For the 500pt ide say drop legolas or erestor for a stormcaller to get more troops
-Replace the galadhrim warriors with bows to wood elves with bows if you can, use the extra points for spears/shields for the glaive weilders
-The knights in the 750pt army cannot use their elven blades :-X whilst mounted, so there is no point in them having it. This includes the captain
-MAXIMIZE your bows!!! They are your biggest advantage. 8)

If you tell us what you own it will help to us make a better list.

Also do you know what you opponent will be using?

Author:  Rural spice [ Mon Sep 03, 2012 11:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 500/750pt Elven army list

WhoelsebutHaldir wrote:
I really like the names(battalion, mares... :D ) um...
-You only need a max of two elven blades per warband.
-For the 500pt ide say drop legolas or erestor for a stormcaller to get more troops
-Replace the galadhrim warriors with bows to wood elves with bows if you can, use the extra points for spears/shields for the glaive weilders
-The knights in the 750pt army cannot use their elven blades :-X whilst mounted, so there is no point in them having it. This includes the captain
-MAXIMIZE your bows!!! They are your biggest advantage. 8)

If you tell us what you own it will help to us make a better list.

Also do you know what you opponent will be using?

I don't have any opponents to face at the moment, I'm just building a general solid army list I can use.

These are the models I have, I've only just gotten back in to the hobby so some of the models on my list I don't have yet:

- 3 Legolas (lol dunno why I have them, but they're all different pose)
- 24 High Elf bowmen
- 24 High Elf bladesmen
- 6 Galadhrim bowmen
- 2 Haldir
- Elrond
- Gil-galad
- 32 other assorted High Elf infantry which I painted when I was a kid, but haven't had the time to strip them down yet

Would I be able to represent the elven blades for the knights as just normal hand weapons?

Author:  WhoelsebutHaldir [ Wed Sep 05, 2012 4:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 500/750pt Elven army list

I usually do, but if you are in a tournament or something very strict on WYSIWYG you might want to shorten the hilt so they look more like hand weapons.

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