The One Ring

Been Gone For a While.. Hoping to pick up some stuf
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Author:  Raggbur [ Fri Apr 06, 2012 9:47 am ]
Post subject:  Been Gone For a While.. Hoping to pick up some stuf


Some of you might remember me, I used to come here a lot.. But then 40k and tons of other games kicked into my life... So now, where the hell am I?
I used to have nice armies, but now, well, let's just say I don't know how I can possibly change it all.

With other words: what the heck has been changed with all the new stuff? Can I still use my old scourcebooks? What's the purpose of warbands?


Author:  Dead Marsh Spectre [ Fri Apr 06, 2012 9:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Been Gone For a While.. Hoping to pick up some stuf

Good to see you back Raggbur 8)

Author:  Raggbur [ Fri Apr 06, 2012 10:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Been Gone For a While.. Hoping to pick up some stuf

And also good to see, that all known faces are posting as frequent as usual! :-D

Author:  Pindergorn [ Fri Apr 06, 2012 12:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Been Gone For a While.. Hoping to pick up some stuf

The Core Rules have remained the same (the One Rulebook). However most profiles are now defunct and superseded by those in the 5 new Warbands books. You can still use older sourcebooks of course if your opponent agrees. The new Warbands rules apply only to army selection and deployment. Generally speaking, for every 12 Warriors, you must have one Hero. A Hero and up to 12 'Warriors' makes a Warband. In deployment, you deploy models by the Warband (everything must be placed within 6" (I think) of the Warband leader).

It is not an equivalent to Squad or Unit based mechanics such as in Warhammer Fantasy and 40K.

Author:  Raggbur [ Fri Apr 06, 2012 12:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Been Gone For a While.. Hoping to pick up some stuf

So the profiles have changed completely ?

Author:  Pindergorn [ Fri Apr 06, 2012 4:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Been Gone For a While.. Hoping to pick up some stuf

Raggbur wrote:
So the profiles have changed completely ?

Not all of them, some Stats and points values have changed. New profiles added. There are now upgrade options for certain models (e.g. +1pt per model to upgrade Gondor Rangers to Ihtilien Rangers, allowing them to move through woods without penalty).

As long as you and your opponent are both using the same version of rules (Warbands or pre-Warbands) then theres no problem.

Author:  Highlordell [ Fri Apr 06, 2012 8:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Been Gone For a While.. Hoping to pick up some stuf

King Ondoher wrote:
The Core Rules have remained the same (the One Rulebook). However most profiles are now defunct and superseded by those in the 5 new Warbands books. You can still use older sourcebooks of course if your opponent agrees. The new Warbands rules apply only to army selection and deployment. Generally speaking, for every 12 Warriors, you must have one Hero. A Hero and up to 12 'Warriors' makes a Warband. In deployment, you deploy models by the Warband (everything must be placed within 6" (I think) of the Warband leader).

It is not an equivalent to Squad or Unit based mechanics such as in Warhammer Fantasy and 40K.

Pretty much sums it up, that and some heroes cannot lead warbands, as they are 'Independent Heroes' such as a Dragon Knight.

Nice to see you back, i try to balance LOTR and 40k, I know its difficult. :)

Author:  Raggbur [ Sat Apr 07, 2012 9:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Been Gone For a While.. Hoping to pick up some stuf

Ok, thanks!

Author:  GothmogtheWerewolf [ Sun Apr 08, 2012 10:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Been Gone For a While.. Hoping to pick up some stuf

Welcome back Raggbur.

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