The One Ring

WotR - Trying to Redifine Elves
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Author:  BlackMist [ Sun Jan 30, 2011 6:20 pm ]
Post subject:  WotR - Trying to Redifine Elves

So I've read a lot of posts about Elves being underpowered and all and it got me thinking about some lists, how to counter certain strategies and how to make a simple solid elf list. Here's the result:

1500 points:


1x Wood Elves
4x High Elf Cohort with Captain
4x High Elf Cohort with Captain
Allies (360 points):
4x Knights of Minas Tirith Shields (Convert them to high elf knights)
4x KoMT Shields
4x KoMT Shields

Fate: Desperate Heroics

Magic level 5. 2 Epic Shots. 3 Epic Defences. 16 Might. 1500 points.

Twins and Haldir go into cavalry, Thrdanduil, Arwen and Cirdan into Cohorts. 1 compulsory Common WE company. Other commons are in allies. Solid 2 formations with Epic Defence that can withstand a lot of beating and 3 hammer-formations. 2 Wilderness casters for the counterspell for Pall of Night.

Author:  Sacrilege83 [ Sun Jan 30, 2011 6:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: WotR - Trying to Redifine Elves

It's a shame to hear that the Elves are underpowered in Wotr, as well as Rohan for me personally.

8 companies of High Elf cohort is pretty pricey. Unless you're rich that will take a few months or a year to build that army up.

Author:  BlackMist [ Sun Jan 30, 2011 7:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: WotR - Trying to Redifine Elves

Or some converting? 2 Boxes of TLA = 16 Elves. Get them all shields, convert bowmen to carry swords. 4 boxes isn't a fortune.

Rohan isn't underpowered... an all-cav Royal Knights force rocks and just like any other all-cav it just requires an intelligent approach - the army just doesn't play itself, the player has to do it.

Author:  Xelee [ Sun Jan 30, 2011 7:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: WotR - Trying to Redifine Elves

I think there is a real element of people insisiting they are going to play the army they think should be played, rather than the ones that work, in their experiences with the lists. Still, I think there is a also likely a sense of frustration in some groups from butting up against certain types of evil lists and wondering why the hands get dealt so unevenly! :-D

The list looks good, Blackmist. A mate does something similar using Gondor list allies to add a bit of spine to the list. KOMT are definitely the best deal going in terms of Lancers. Elves definitely do much better with the cheaper heroes, Cohort for foot, cloaks for Archers (is that how you are running the wood-elves?) and then bulked out with allies.

Author:  Sacrilege83 [ Mon Jan 31, 2011 3:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: WotR - Trying to Redifine Elves

BlackMist wrote:
Or some converting? 2 Boxes of TLA = 16 Elves. Get them all shields, convert bowmen to carry swords. 4 boxes isn't a fortune.

Rohan isn't underpowered... an all-cav Royal Knights force rocks and just like any other all-cav it just requires an intelligent approach - the army just doesn't play itself, the player has to do it.

Yeah I was only thinking about proper, and conversions flew pass my mind. It sucks that you can't get noldor elves alone, but I'm sure people do figure out something to do with the numenorean men or vise versa.

As for Rohan, not many people over at the continuous tactical discussion share your enthusiasm. Royal Knights do rock, just again money or convert.

Author:  BlackMist [ Mon Jan 31, 2011 9:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: WotR - Trying to Redifine Elves

Sacrilege83 wrote:
As for Rohan, not many people over at the continuous tactical discussion share your enthusiasm.

Most people say that SBG Rohan is underpowered too, and yet I had my best ever LotR Singles GT result year ago (2nd place out of close to 100 people) with a 48 Rohan Warrior / 16 Woses / Saruman/Ghan/Eowyn list.

Most common mistakes with Rohan I see is that people just don't utilise all the Epic Actions to their full potential - especially the Epic Sacrifice (Charging cavalry, regardless whether Riders or Knights with the following: Epic Rage/Strike/Sacrifice/Heroic Combat annihilate everything, because you get to fight twice with the strength boost and 3+ saves since you only remove the sac'd hero at the end of the phase. Considering that there are so many heroes with Epic Sac - Theoden, Merry, Theodred, Deorwine - if you play the right set of heroes and you play them correctly, then sky is the limit, it just requires a lot of skill and experience to learn playing Rohan. Even if you die in a duel the Sacrifice still works, how cool is that :) - My experience is best friend's Rohan all-cav army which utilised that and his new Gondor all-cav force which uses 3 Epic Sac heroes in it).

Xelee wrote:
The list looks good, Blackmist. A mate does something similar using Gondor list allies to add a bit of spine to the list. KOMT are definitely the best deal going in terms of Lancers. Elves definitely do much better with the cheaper heroes, Cohort for foot, cloaks for Archers (is that how you are running the wood-elves?) and then bulked out with allies.

Thanks. I'm not actually running the army, hate elves, never even used them in SBG :P Just made up a list because I don't believe that they are as underpowered as people seem to think :) I don't think I would be using Wood Elf archers at all (in fact in this list there's one company without bows because I needed the 5 points for Desperate Heroics and I was forced to have 1 common company from the main force) because they're too bad combat-wise. I find that combat prowess is the most important thing in this game, so I like fielding a lot of hard hitting cavalry (KoMT, Morgul Knights and most of all Giant Spiders - even though they're as fragile as hell when you hit them back, but they deal sick amount of damage on flank charges). I believe that the faster you can crush a hole in a part of enemy army, the faster the army will go down, even if it costs you making a big sacrifice. 200+ point Heroes usually aren't worth taking at all unless they have Epic Strike, otherwise a 50-point Thrydan eats them for breakfast.

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