The One Ring

1000 point Legion of the White hand
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Author:  Envin [ Thu Nov 11, 2010 2:54 am ]
Post subject:  1000 point Legion of the White hand

This is a list i just came up.. i am lacking Saruman and grima but plan on getting them soon but what u guys think?:
1 Saruman- 170
1 Grima- 25
1 Lurtz- 60
1 Grishnákh- 50
1 Isengrard Troll- 105
30 Uruk-hai Warriors(15 w/ Shield and 15 w/ Pikes)- 300
15 Mordor Orc warriors(w/spears)- 90
11 Uruk-hai scouts (w/ orc bows)- 99
5 Uruk-hai warriors (w/ xbows)- 55
3 uruk-hai berserkers- 45

999 points/69 models/17 archers/ 9 might

Author:  Shadowswarm [ Thu Nov 11, 2010 5:32 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 1000 point Legion of the White hand

do u know what your up against? what the senario is?

notable things:
for 1000pts that not alot of ppl
your archer numbers are really low for 1000pts, i would max out on Xbows, that way you can completly dominate a part of the board or take out heros (even treebeard cant stand against 20+ xbows)

Author:  Noddwyr [ Thu Nov 11, 2010 12:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 1000 point Legion of the White hand

I agree there is no point in taking xbows if you cant out shoot your enemy and you cant take Grishnak maybe something like this:
1 Saruman- 170
1 Grima- 25
1 Vrashku- 60
1 Ugluk- 60
36 Uruk-hai Warriors(16 w/ Shield and 10 w/ Pikes)- 360
15 Mordor Orc warriors(w/spears)- 90
22 Uruk-hai warriors (w/ xbows)- 242
5 uruk-hai berserkers- 90

997 points/73 models/22 xbows plus Vrashku/ 9 might

Author:  Envin [ Thu Nov 11, 2010 6:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 1000 point Legion of the White hand

@Shadowswarm: well no scenarios, a death-match. And mostly between Dwarves, Goblins and mordor

@Noddwry: Oh okay... and i dont have Ugluk or Vrasku yet either thats why i didnt include em and i didnt know their points cost

Author:  Shadowswarm [ Fri Nov 12, 2010 4:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 1000 point Legion of the White hand

i like Noddwyr list, you dont have anything partiularly fast so play accordingly (ie: if you cant get to an objective on time, then shoot anyone who does go there)

oh, and depending one what your facing, you may want to split up your xbows cause they cant volley and your not that fast so splitting them up with give u more map control, but you wont have the awesome ability to wolop a flanking force with 22xbows...

seeing that its death match, make sure you dont sit around, move up fast cause you dont want them to be volleying at you all the time. as soon as all ur xbows are in range, their gonna have a nightmare.
just remember to shoot either heros in the open, or non D7 warriors. you either want to make sure that you kill a valuable target, or just kill lots of guys (so dont target d7 dwarven warriors). oh, and cave trolls should be a prime target, easy to see and low D, xbows are the bane of them.

if your do go up against the shadow lord you have 2 options: a. shoot the un-life out of him (he'll probably be on a horse, thus easier to see) or b. shoot what ever is not protected by him

and banner bearers should be tasty, even the dwarves cause he cant carry a shield and a banner (and cause dwarves have a thinner line, so easier to see)

is this a tourny? your up against several different forces, or are you doing some insane 1v1v1v1

Author:  LordEanna007 [ Fri Nov 26, 2010 5:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 1000 point Legion of the White hand

u want xbows.i have seen battles where xbows win it for de uruks.

Author:  General Elessar [ Tue Nov 30, 2010 3:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 1000 point Legion of the White hand

Shadowswarm wrote:
notable things:
for 1000pts that not alot of ppl

Actually, the model limit is 75 for 1000pts (assuming you're using LoME), so the list is only six models under.

Author:  Pomyboy [ Fri Jan 07, 2011 11:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 1000 point Legion of the White hand

More Beserkers!!!!!!

Author:  spuds4ever [ Sun Jan 09, 2011 9:43 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 1000 point Legion of the White hand

I would say that Grishnahk is a bit unnecessary. I would swap Lurtz for Sharku and try and squeeze in some warg riders to attack the enemy flanks.

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