The One Ring

WotR - Rohan Plans
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Author:  Beowulf03809 [ Mon Jul 12, 2010 7:12 pm ]
Post subject:  WotR - Rohan Plans

Forth rode Théoden. Five nights and days
east and onward rode the Eorlingas
through Folde and Fenmarch and the Firienwood,
six thousand spears to Sunlending,
Mundburg the mighty under Mindolluin,
Sea-kings’ city in the South-kingdom
foe-beleaguered, fire-encircled.
Doom drove them on. Darkness took them,
Horse and horseman; hoofbeats afar
sank into silence: so the songs tell us.

Greetings, all.

I'm looking for any real-world advise some of you might have playing or playing against a large, mostly mounted force in WotR. I'm down to my last 40 Wood Elves and when they're done in a couple weeks I plan to dive into Rohan. I've been collecting the models for a few years but haven't done anything with them yet so I've dusted the boxes off, did some basic math and, without Heroes, I have enough for about 22 Companies of Riders of Rohan. I also have Theoden (armored), Eomer, a couple Captains and Gandalf as well.

I am not looking for an elite-heavy force or anything too fancy. I want numbers. Lots and lots of horses. Picture the charge of the Riders in RotK and you get the idea. 8) My plans are to have a core of Kings Guard (4-6 Companies) with Theoden, Gamling (with Banner) and Hamma. I will have both Eomer and Erkenbrand leading a force which will probably be built around their respective Battlehosts (both reasonably costed and with interesting special rules). I would love to have Theoden's BH (Earth Shaking Charge on 4+ 8) ) but to be effective it would more than double my Royal Guard plans and that's costly.

Now, I've played with a Formation of 6 Warg Riders and found them pretty darn effective. I've also seen 4+ Company Formations of Khandish Raiders, Easterling K's or Galadrhim Knights that can really hurt Infantry on the charge. But I've never seen or played a WotR game where the majority of a force was almost all Cavalry. I know it has a lot of vulnerabilities and will be tricky to play…but my other Good army is all D3 Wood Elves so I'm used to a challenge. :rofl: I'm wondering if anyone in the community has any real life experience with this type of force, on either side of the table and can speak to some things I may expect.

On a side note, I do also have about 6 Companies worth of Rohan Infantry which can be used to help secure areas or provide additional ranged fire power. But I mostly want to stick to Riders.

Author:  spuds4ever [ Tue Jul 13, 2010 10:50 am ]
Post subject: 

Lots of riders is generally a good idea for Rohan, how many points are you deciding to start off on?

Author:  Beowulf03809 [ Tue Jul 13, 2010 3:32 pm ]
Post subject: 

My preference would be to have to Battlehosts, Theoden's Guard and the Riders of the Westfold. Well, at $13 per model I'm probably not going to be adding a Formation (or three!) of Kings Guard / Royal Guard for a VERY, VERY long time except by proxy. I also don't yet have Gamling or Hama so that's a lot of cash to front as well, especially before even having a single pony painted.

So, just starting with what I have and adding Erkenbrand I can put together a force of 1200 points (1195 technically):

8 Companies RoR
Total: 655

Riders of the Westfold Battlehost
5 Companies RoR
4 Companies RoR
4 Companies RoR
Total: 540

I also have the following infantry support for a total of 170 points
(can make them Grimbold's Helmlingas as soon as I pick up the model if I feel like sparing the points)
4 Companies Oathsworn Militia
2 Companies Oathsworn Bowmen

Gandalf's special Blinding Light rule makes a huge difference when calculating dice for a Fight (both giving and receiving), his spells are great and he's also very good at keeping other Heroes primed with Might. Between Gandalf and Theoden's Touched By Destiny that Formation should be pretty deadly with a lot of options to call Heroic / Epic actions. I am considering adding Esquire Meriodoc to the Formation as well. He gives some good special rules but mostly if anyone chooses an Heroic Duel with Gandalf it's nice to have the option of removing Merry to boost the roll by +3 if needed. A nice surprise.

Erkenbrand's Battlehost would give them a great advantage if facing off against another Cav force as they can strike at the same time as monsters. They also have extra chances of passing Terror tests which goes a long way against many Evil armies we see locally.

Obviously this isn't an optimized Rohan force, as it's just using the models I already have in my backlog, but I believe it could be pretty competitive. Upgrading Theoden's Formation to Kings Guard (Heavy Armor, Shields and Lances) is definitely on the menu, but isn't cheap.

Author:  spuds4ever [ Tue Jul 13, 2010 5:07 pm ]
Post subject: 

You could always look on ebay for some Rohan. You might not find any Rohan Royal guard but you could use the money which you saved (probably) and were planning to use on other Rohirrim on Royal Guard in GW. In your army, I think you are too hero heavy. I would drop at the very least 1.

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