The One Ring

350pt Adepticon Tournament Dwarf Army
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Author:  Durin's Folk [ Wed Dec 30, 2009 10:03 pm ]
Post subject:  350pt Adepticon Tournament Dwarf Army

I have two armies I am thinking about using. I am going to play test both but was wondering what you guys thought.

Option 1
Khazad Guard x11
Dwarf Warrior /w Shield x5
Dwarf Warrior /w Bow x6

I have never been to Adepticon but, from hearing stories from my brother, dwarf heroes tend to be avoided when it comes to combat.

Option 2
Dwarf Captain
Khazad Guard x10
Dwarf Warrior /w Shield x10
Dwarf Warrior /w Bow x10

or a third option I just came up with
Dwarf Captain /w Shield x2
Khazad Guard x11
Dwarf Warrior /w Shield x5
Dwarf Warrior /w Bow x6

There are more options that I can come up with but I will save them for later after these armies have been play tested.

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