The One Ring

Games Workshop Warwick? Anyone in Warwick for a game?
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Author:  Bofur The Dwarf [ Wed Dec 25, 2013 5:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Games Workshop Warwick? Anyone in Warwick for a game?

Hi guys, Happy Christmas

So, on the 27th, I'm heading to Warwickshire (to the rightly named city of Warwick) to visit and stay with a friend. On the 28th however, she will be spending most the day out. I'll be left alone, and I'm wondering if there's a Games Workshop store in town or nearby, or perhaps a potential opponent to play against. I don't particularly want to spend the day awkwardly alone in their house :-/

Right, so I would be willing to bring my Lothlorien or Minas Tirith army to play, any points match up to a thousand points. I was originally taking those armies as a showcase, and thought if I'll be alone I could see if there any guys willing to play a game.

No worries if no ones near, I'll just pop into town and hope there's a local GW store.

Thanks, and hope you've all had a great day :-D

Author:  Stormcrow [ Wed Dec 25, 2013 9:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Games Workshop Warwick? Anyone in Warwick for a game?

The last time I was in Warwick the gw had just got a new manager and the store was looking pretty decent. I assume it's still there. Won't be able to join you though I'm afraid!

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