Hi every one I live east of Exeter Devon UK
I have loads of miniatures, both Good and Evil forces, plenty of scenery, dice rule books etc...
I seem to be missing one really important ingredient though:
An opponent.
A while back my good friend Steve(Greendragon) would once in while come over for a game every few months.
Since a problem earlier in the year(some of you are aware of), Steve has been totally put off the game, as such I have no one to play against.
I can get to Exeter but every time it will cost me £7.50 and 2 hours of my life("public" transport), in addition I feel my local GW Exeter and I are at odds, for it has been years since I bought anything there(and thus they do not care about me)
This thread is somewhat of a cry for help, as I feel my motivation and passion for the hobby is directly linked to how often I have a game.
I have the following armies:
Far harad
Beasts(lots of spiders, bats, wargs)
Durin's folk
Wanderers in the wild
Minas Tirith
Basically I have enough to play through all the journey books.
I used to live with a friend and we had regular battles every week in the shed.
I need to have a game if I'm to remain an active member of this community.