The One Ring

Worse LOTR Gaming Experience
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Author:  SeveredHead [ Tue Jun 26, 2012 10:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Worse LOTR Gaming Experience

Wow, I may be new to miniatures wargaming, but these guys were beyond rude in my opinion. Are there unspoken rules/ettiquette in miniatures wargaming that players should abide by? Examples of problems I encountered.

1. A player refused to obey the judge and moved eventhough the player with priority had not moved yet. The judge and 1 other player explained to him in regards to changing game conditions -- trapped and moving friends out of the way. The guy just did what he wanted. This was suppose to be a friendly game. The judge didnot eject him from the game, but in my opinion, he should have been asked to leave if he refused to obey the game rules. Should the judge have ejected him?

2. In the middle of a turn, a player exclaimed he wanted to change sides -- from Evil to Good, so that he could have more troops to field. The judge said no, but he did it anyway. Are players allowed to change sides in the middle of the game?

3. Less than 10 turns into the game, Captain of the Good Force decides to surrender just because... blah blah blah. What the hell! I feel like I wasted my time on a bunch of really selfish and arrogant people.

At one point, the judge gave up and left the game because a lot of the players were being a bunch of jackasses.

Author:  GothmogtheWerewolf [ Tue Jun 26, 2012 11:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Worse LOTR Gaming Experience

Wow, you are unfortunate, people like 1. and 2. shouln't be allowed anywhere naer a the game, especially 1, and 3. doesn't sound too good either. Fortnunately most players aren't like that, and don't need any
rules/ettiquette in miniatures wargaming that players should abide by
as it is generally understood taht rules are rules, Player 1. is illegally playing, but 2. and 3. are bad sports.

Here, have a smile; :)

Author:  Slythar [ Wed Jun 27, 2012 2:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Worse LOTR Gaming Experience

I'll assume you're at a Games Workshop. The LoTR series isn't as well known so even the judges won't know all the rules but generally the judge makes the call like it or not.

1. Yes but if you're playing a friendly allow him to do it one time. He won't make the same mistake twice. If its a tourney allow it and tell the judge he forfeits and your playing for fun.
2. No but same advice as above. Additionally you can ask for something in return since now he can exploit your list (what do I get)? Ask for an additional Hero, might, priority... whatever you can get.
3. Well you musta whooped him. I offer my opponent to surrender every turn but usually they fight to the last man and as do I. People get emotional sometimes when they spend all their time and money on their hobby only to have it destroyed with ease. I'd just forget about it and move on.

Also there is a rule I use and its called a Gimme. Its actually a 'Give Me' but that's how I pronounce it. Anytime you allow someone to break a rule,reroll, redo or go back in time you tell them they owe you a gimme so next time you want to correct something you just call your gimme and do it. I allow it all the time and its rarely forgotten.

I made a thread on Wargame Etiquette that I researched awhile back if you want to give it a read.

Author:  SeveredHead [ Wed Jun 27, 2012 3:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Worse LOTR Gaming Experience

Thank you for your replies everyone. Slythar, your link is very helpful and I will keep the suggestions in mind the next time I game.

Author:  Stormcrow [ Wed Jun 27, 2012 5:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Worse LOTR Gaming Experience

Wow, who do you play with?
Sounds to me that the only way to free your opponents from this game induced agression is to take their minitures and cast them into the fires of mount doom!

Author:  SeveredHead [ Thu Jun 28, 2012 9:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Worse LOTR Gaming Experience

Stormcrow wrote:
Wow, who do you play with?

Supposedly expert miniatures wargamers. I think I will be avoiding them from now on if I can help it.

Author:  Bilbo [ Tue Nov 20, 2012 2:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Worse LOTR Gaming Experience

That sounds like a real pity! My experience has generally been excellent, but you do get the occasional oddball. If some one behaves like that, simply refuse to continue to play with them. Word will soon get around and hopefully he will grow up when he realises that his behaviour is a problem, or will simply get lost when no one will play him!

Author:  Constantine [ Tue Nov 20, 2012 7:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Worse LOTR Gaming Experience

From your description of the issues I imagine them as fat spoiled 10 year olds with chocolate stains on their shirts. I would not have a problem with number 3. If you are playing a game and you realize its futile might as well forfeit and start anew, or do something else.

Author:  Rabid Bunny [ Sat Jan 12, 2013 3:37 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Worse LOTR Gaming Experience

Number 2 completely stumped me. I don't even know how someone can decide to swap his whole army during a game, it...I...ugh, that is just silly.

Author:  Bilbo [ Sat Jan 12, 2013 9:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Worse LOTR Gaming Experience

There is a circle in hell for Bad-Gamers!

Author:  MrDark12 [ Tue Feb 19, 2013 5:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Worse LOTR Gaming Experience

Wow, I don't understand 1. or 2. I mean just, how did they manage to think that was ok? its stupid and childish. As for 3. its ok to quit in some circumstances, sometimes people just lose the will to play, no rhyme or reason, it happened to me and people I've played, if they are a good sport about it, then fine and dany, but if its just a silly rage quit.

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