The One Ring

Looking for WOTR gamers in Southern California
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Author:  Killerkatanas [ Wed Jul 13, 2011 6:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Looking for WOTR gamers in Southern California


Looking for WOTR gamers, located in Southern California, that would be interested in playing on a regular basis (once a week to twice a month).

Ideally I would like to find enough players to do a campaign. We would plot moves on a map and then fight the battles out using WOTR. I can pretty much provide any armies except Moria, the Dwarves, and the Elves. My armies of Rohan, Isengard, Mordor and Gondor are over 5,000 points each.

Of course I am also open to just regular gaming. So if you are looking for an opponent contact me.


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