The One Ring

Greetings fellow adventurers
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Author:  greendragon [ Thu Jun 28, 2012 11:32 am ]
Post subject:  Greetings fellow adventurers

Hello onering!

I've heard a lot about this forum and was taken aback when I finally decided to check it out. There is still actual interest in LotR!! Its nice to know that my Uruk-Hai, Wood-Elves and Rangers armies will not just sit gathering dust for years and years. There are people to play against/discuss the hobby, yay!

About me?
Living with my lovely partner (who is responsible for the Wood Elves) in our home in the sticks Honiton, Devon with our black & white kitten Frankie, who likes to destroy the fellowship on a regular basis when I'm not looking. We have been into wargaming for our whole lives, we also both run our business Green Dragon Games selling all the things we love; wargaming, hobby supplies, board games, trading cards and collectables, novels and fantasy artwork. Pleased to meet you :) I look forward to being an active and hopefully useful part of this forum!

Author:  GothmogtheWerewolf [ Thu Jun 28, 2012 8:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Greetings fellow adventurers

Greetings Greendragon! Welcome to One Ring1 :D

Author:  Drumstick [ Fri Jun 29, 2012 6:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Greetings fellow adventurers

Welcome Greendragon, it's very nice to have you with us. Your site looks fantastic, I shall keep it bookmarked. Hope to see you around the forums and I look forward to seeing some of your work. Frankie sounds like a lovely kitten, wish I wasn't allergic to cats :sad:


Author:  greendragon [ Fri Jun 29, 2012 7:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Greetings fellow adventurers

Thanks drumstick! (feels weird to type that) Took ages to build, more so to put the products on but I'm getting there. Ah thats a shame being allergic to such a cute and fluffy thing =P I'll take a good look around the forum now and see what threads I can get in on =]

Author:  Drumstick [ Wed Jul 04, 2012 2:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Greetings fellow adventurers

greendragon wrote:
Thanks drumstick! (feels weird to type that) Took ages to build, more so to put the products on but I'm getting there. Ah thats a shame being allergic to such a cute and fluffy thing =P I'll take a good look around the forum now and see what threads I can get in on =]

ha thanks - my names a rather strange story. You've nevertheless done a fantastic job of the site and you've got a good range of products. It is a great shame I'm allergic to them, as I have a soft spot for animals and they're so cute!


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