Cheers fellas. I haven't clue regarding the rules but I did once participate in a game of 40k in the arndale manchester GW, it didn't last long, and not because I didn't like it, more because of all the hyperactive school kids squealing like girls and the overpowering stench of BO about the place. Haunts me to this day! LOL
I would honestly like to get into the gaming side of it all but none of my mates care in the slightest about modeling and would rather shoot up zombies on COD... Swings and roundabouts I suppose, I don't care for that, they don't care for this, It's all good, each to his own

So just cleaning up some ringwraiths at the minute, I've decided they are to be tickled with the hairy stick first. I'm no fan of finecast and have purposely tried finding metal models of them all but are there only seven different sculpts? I originally bought five and today spied another lot containing two different ones which I snapped up so now will have 12 but with 5 duplicates :/
Also got a fell beast and some mounted black riders (again only 3 sculpts?)