G'day fellow One-Ringers!
just wanted to say that I'm back after a long break from the hobby and online communities. Most of you probably dont know who I am, but hopefully some of the old members will remember me
. incase you dont remember me I'm a 20 year old bloke from Sweden. I've never been much of a gamer but love the painting and modelling aspects of the hobby. I started painting GW's LOTR minis when I was around 12 years old, and after a while I also started painting miniatures from other companies such as Olley's Armies, madpuppet miniatures etc. so now Im finally back after 18 months (give or take a few)! I hope to be painting again soon, but it depends on how my job gets in the way. For starters I will try to be more active here on the forums
Here are few pics of some minis I painted before my break:
Uruk Scout:
Gobbo from Madpuppet Miniatures:
Dwarf (dont remember what manufacter atm) 54mm
Thank you and see ya around