The One Ring

Proxy for Arathron
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Author:  jdizzy001 [ Tue Jun 21, 2016 7:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Proxy for Arathron


Until recently I have been using my aptly named Albinogorn (google it and you will see him in all his whiteness) as a stand in for Arathorn. Though he suits my needs, I would much prefer a non-Aragorn mini to depict the mighty hero's father. I do not like the Arathorn made by GW, the santa clause look on an aragorn face just doesn't do it for me. With that in mind I am in the market for an Arathorn proxy.

Some of the more obvious choices would be a Ranger of the North or Dunedain from GW. This is not a bad idea, I have a few minis which would be more than suitable, but I would also like to see what else is available. I have looked at many options and some of the more promising ones include Scotia Grendel's Ranger Hero or GW's Dunedain with sword out (their is only 1 with a sword, the other dunedain use bow/spears). I also looked through Mithril minis site but nothing really stood out to me. Any suggestions? I could always kit bash my own, I have been doing that a lot lately. If I were I would kit bash a Damrod with someone else.

Author:  ElendiltheFair [ Tue Jun 21, 2016 11:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Proxy for Arathron

Have you checked out The sculpts are extremely detailed and cast in metal. The George R.R. Martin line is about the same size as GW in most cases.

Author:  jdizzy001 [ Wed Jun 22, 2016 4:39 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Proxy for Arathron

I love dark sword and have a large collection. I find they run taller than gw so I reserve my ds minis for rpg

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