The One Ring

Hobbit Miniatures List
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Author:  Quendil [ Fri May 27, 2016 6:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Hobbit Miniatures List

Does anyone have a pdf or list of all the GW Hobbit releases? Not the lotr ones as I have those. I have the collectors guide by Miniman but I was looking for something more compact with just Hobbit releases it in

Author:  Quendil [ Mon Jun 06, 2016 4:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Hobbit Miniatures List

I made a list which I think is complete

The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey SBG Rules Manual
The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug expansion
The Hobbit: The Battle of Five Armies expansion

The Hobbit: Escape from Goblin Town - Limited Edition
Goblin Town
The White Council
Barrels out of Bond
Radagast™ the Brown on Great Eagle
The White Council: Vanquishers of the Necromancer
Great Eagles
Knights of Rivendell
Beorn™ & Bear
Radagast™ the Brown on Sleigh
Thranduil, King of the Woodland Realm
Legolas Greenleaf™, Prince of Mirkwood
Bard the Bowman™, Girion Lord of Dale’s Heir
Balin the Dwarf, Dwalin the Dwarf and Oin the Dwarf – Champions of Erebor
Bombur the Dwarf, Bifur the Dwarf and Ori the Dwarf – Champions of Erebor
Kili the Dwarf, Fili the Dwarf and Bofur the Dwarf – Champions of Erebor
Palace Guards
Elrond (Foot & Mounted)
Bard the Bowman™ with Windlance
Mirkwood Rangers
Nori the Dwarf, Dori the Dwarf and Gloin the Dwarf – Champions of Erebor
Grim Hammers
Gandalf™ the Grey & Bilbo Baggins™
Warriors of Dale
Riddles in the Dark
Bilbo Baggins with Sting
Warriors of Erebor
Thorin Oakenshield, King Under the Mountain and Bilbo Baggins, Master Burglar
Mirkwood Armoured Elf Cavalry
Lake-Town Militia Spearmen
Mirkwood Armoured Swordsmen
Lake-town Guard Swordsmen
Mirkwood Armoured Spearmen
Legolas Greenleaf™
Lake-town Guard Spearmen
Lake-Town Militia Swordsmen
Tauriel™, Mirkwood Exile
Lake-town Guard Bowmen
Mirkwood Armoured Bowmen
Palace Guards Captains
Mirkwood Rangers Captains
Lake-Town Militia Bowmen
Bard the Bowman™
Young Dwalin the Dwarf
Lake-Town Militia Captain
Young Thorin Oakenshield™
Mirkwood Armoured Captain
Young Balin the Dwarf
Alfrid the Councilor
Thranduil, King of Mirkwood
Thranduil, The Elevenking
Girion, Lord of Dale
Lindir of Rivendell
Master of Lake-town
Thrain the Broken
Gandalf™ the Grey
Radagast The Brown with Sebastian
Thror, The Last King Under the Mountain
Grim Hammers Captain
Captain of Erebor
Lake-town Guard Captain
Captain of Dale

The Trolls
Bolg, Castellan of Mount Gundabad
Fimbul the Hunter
Azog™ (foot & mounted)
Goblin King Throwing Goblin
Hunter Orcs on Fell Wargs
Yazneg (Foot & Mounted)
Mirkwood Spiders
Hunter Orcs
Goblin Warriors
Fell Wargs
Azog™, Lieutenant of Sauron
Gundabad Orc Spearmen
Gundabad Orc Swordsmen
Gundabad Orc General
Gollum™ with Fish
Goblin Captain
Gundabad Orc Captain

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