The One Ring

Female black numenoreans?
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Author:  Toxic [ Fri Dec 26, 2014 11:59 am ]
Post subject:  Female black numenoreans?

What miniatures could pass for female black numenoreans? I know none have been mentioned in the lore but who's to say they don't exist?

I'm looking for anything from the lotr/hobbit ranges that could be converted or even pass as proxies, I don't really like mixing warhammer with lotr but beggars can be choosers.

Any help would be great.

Author:  Hirumith, the Grey Knight [ Sat Dec 27, 2014 10:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Female black numenoreans?

Considering how few women there are in the LOTR/Hobbit miniature range already, I think trying to find suitable figures there is going to be a losing battle, but due to scale and proportion differences, I'd also shy away from Warhammer minis.

Instead, I'd consider non-GW minis, if I were you. Use Reaper's figure finder to look for plate-armored female figures, maybe check Redbox games, Foundry used to have some wood elf "nymphs," and some of those would have made excellent black Numenorean women, and there was a D&D miniature of a female anti-paladin in plate armor with a scythe from the late nineties/early oughts that was pretty cool and would fit the bill.

Author:  Harfoot [ Sun Dec 28, 2014 10:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Female black numenoreans?

Also Other World do a range of female figures ... acters-12/

Author:  Hirumith, the Grey Knight [ Mon Dec 29, 2014 3:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Female black numenoreans?

Excellent suggestion! I forgot about Otherworld, they make some really nice fantasy models that probably fit the LOTR line pretty well.

Author:  Toxic [ Mon Dec 29, 2014 10:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Female black numenoreans?

I was thinking for the Marshal using Galadriel (protectress version) with arm swaps and a Morgul Knight helm.

For the others I'm not sure, I'd like them to blend in with the male Black Numenoreans. Otherworld do some great minis so I'll take a look at them :)


Author:  Creaky [ Wed Dec 31, 2014 1:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Female black numenoreans?

Considering the BN minis are robe wearing, heavily armoured figures with huge shoulder pads and helmets - how much of a difference do you expect to see? Unless you give them all boob armour or something, the females would probably look fairly alike to the males.

Good look in your search, though - it can be difficult enough to find figures that scale correctly with SBG, and to do that with a specific 'look' in mind sounds rather challenging.

Author:  Toxic [ Wed Dec 31, 2014 6:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Female black numenoreans?

Creaky wrote:
Considering the BN minis are robe wearing, heavily armoured figures with huge shoulder pads and helmets - how much of a difference do you expect to see? Unless you give them all boob armour or something, the females would probably look fairly alike to the males.

Good look in your search, though - it can be difficult enough to find figures that scale correctly with SBG, and to do that with a specific 'look' in mind sounds rather challenging.

No no I'm not after the typical armoured bra you find females wearing in most fantasy settings. I'm really just after a mini that I could use as a Marshal that happens to be female to lead my BNs. I dunno I'm weird like that, I like to have a mini somewhere on the board that represents a little me.

Anyway I got a few things from ebay and GW and I'll make something soon!

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