The One Ring

Alternative Glues
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Author:  Lord Maedhros [ Thu Aug 14, 2014 5:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Alternative Glues

Not sure if this is the right forum, but....

I was wondering if the Warlord Games (Army painter) Plastic glue, and Super glue, would work on the GW Plastic ad Resin/Metal models respectively... they glues are much cheaper from Warlord so I am really hoping that they do work... anyone have any experience with this?


Author:  Xintao [ Thu Aug 14, 2014 5:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Alternative Glues

I am sure they work just fine. My friend who does a lot of conversions and modeling swears by the cheapest glue he can buy. Dollar store glue!

Author:  Creaky [ Thu Aug 14, 2014 5:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Alternative Glues

I swear by Revell Contacta for my plastic minis and tend to use the Loctite Superglue (the 'precision' bottle type with the long thin nozzle) for resins/metal. Works fine, and is much cheaper than the GW nonsense.

If the price wasn't bad enough to put me off, the fact that their plastic glue goes through bad batches that over the span of several years led to my miniatures collapsing under their own weight saw to it that I now go elsewhere. I remember vividly the sinking sensation when I picked up the massive 'Skullvane Manse' terrain piece (back when I did WFB regularly) and the damn thing fell apart in my hands, as if in slow motion. Instead of melting the plastic to form a virtually unbreakable join as it was supposed to, the glue had crystallised somehow, giving a hold that was far, far more brittle than superglue, and which would eventually lead to me giving up WFB in frustration as three entire armies disintegrated over a period of a month.

So yeah, Revell Contacta and Loctite. They're great.

Author:  Pindergorn [ Thu Aug 14, 2014 7:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Alternative Glues

NEVER buy expensive branded glue like GW. Glue is glue is glue, wherever you buy it. I get a cheap £2.50 20g bottle of superglue from Boyes and it works fine. The only problems I ever have is that it sometimes dries out if I forget to tighten the lid.

Author:  Lord Maedhros [ Thu Aug 14, 2014 7:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Alternative Glues

Great Thanks for the info guys... much appreciated :)

Author:  Sithious [ Thu Aug 14, 2014 8:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Alternative Glues

most glues are good, but the packaging can tip the scales.

GW has nice application tips, but not worth it for that. I hated the Super Glue brush they had as it made it impossible to get small amounts where I wanted and was a waste.

Testors super glue works pretty good but can form a inner seal. This is when the glue dries below the tip so you have to jam a pin inside to free it and eventually this gets thicker and thicker and you lose glue.

Zap a Gap thin or green bottle works great, I use this the most as it is easy to find. it sometimes does the same thing as testors, but I have found it better and has a nice applicator tip you can put on.

SuperGlue brand gel is not good. It tends to be a blob because it is meant to be a gel form. So don't get this for models, it is good for glue, but not our needs.
Superglue from other companies. I have had some that are great and some that take long time to cure, so they are not all equal. I try to stick to a name brand that has a good applicator tip. Some cheap brands have large spouts that are not good, some glues are too thin and run all over everything and don't set fast enough to allow you to let go. So, I cannot say glue is glue... but if you spot a deal, give it a shot.

Author:  Lord Maedhros [ Thu Aug 14, 2014 8:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Alternative Glues

Yeah I know what you mean...

I was looking at the below link from warlord, and I will probably go with it... it is 4 dollars more expensive then GW glue, but you also got tools to go with it so... ... sembly-set

Author:  ANGMAR of old [ Thu Aug 14, 2014 8:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Alternative Glues

Just a little tip when useing super glue in bottles make sure glue has draned back down the neck completly before replacing top and this will keep glue from going off

Author:  jdizzy001 [ Fri Aug 15, 2014 6:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Alternative Glues

I use krazy glue. I recommend it

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