The One Ring

Casting Replacement arms
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Author:  cooper101183 [ Sat May 10, 2014 8:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Casting Replacement arms

I have acquired lots and lots of models, many of them are missing arms particularly the mounted minis, however in the case where I have the original arm is there any way I can easily use it to make a replacement. For instance I have Legolas and Gimli Mounted which is complete - I also have the same model another 4 times all missing the arm, if I was able to use the original to cast 3 replacements it would be great. Any help would be appreciated.

I did buy something called mould it in an instant which came with some green stuff, is that something I could use?

Author:  Hodush [ Sun May 11, 2014 3:17 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Casting Replacement arms

Instant Mold is what I would suggest, google or youtube it, or check it out on coolminiornot - Not sure what mold it actually is. You cant re-sell any of the arms though. Why you have 4 is another question :P

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