The One Ring

Hunter Orc Captains
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Author:  GothmogtheWerewolf [ Mon Jan 21, 2013 1:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Hunter Orc Captains

How do you make a regular hunter orc look like a Captain, it would need to not look like any of the official variants as well. What does one do to make a Captain out of one?

Author:  Rognarr [ Mon Jan 21, 2013 2:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Hunter Orc Captains

At first get rid of the silly hairstyles those hunter orcs have..
For a captain I'd convert the way they hold their weapon too. Like he's commanding an attack at that moment if you know what i mean. You also could give him a spear instead of a sword?
And definitely add armor! Those abs look as ridiculous as their hairstyles! Big pauldrons (our of bones?) would look awesome!
So many ideas! ^^
I don't think there's a general advice on how to make a captain though. Just make sure his pose is "special"

Author:  GothmogtheWerewolf [ Mon Jan 21, 2013 2:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Hunter Orc Captains

Thanks for the advice. Whats wrong with the hairstyles and abs, makes them look like Daario Naharis.

I'm not too good at reposing, especially with those models. What would you say is a commanding pose anyway?

Author:  Rognarr [ Mon Jan 21, 2013 3:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Hunter Orc Captains

Oh I just dislike the pigtails some of them seem to have.. it's so.. totally unorcish. at least in this way. And the abs? Makes them look like fancy orc-calendar boys >< Idk.. it's just my opinion. In the film they did actually look great!

With "commanding pose" I mean a lifted arm or sword. You can see such a conversion here on my selfmade Uruk-captain: viewtopic.php?f=50&t=24858&start=20

And here are some other captains as inspiration. There are always certain similarities in their pose..:

Image Image Image
Image Image

Author:  Galanur [ Mon Jan 21, 2013 3:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Hunter Orc Captains

check this out ... -imgur.jpg

Author:  Dreadknight [ Mon Jan 21, 2013 5:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Hunter Orc Captains

Another idea to show them as Captains is to do something special with the base. There are good options in the GW Citadel Basing Kit. For example you can pose the figure on a big rock (I use slate) so that one looks higher and different. In addition I often put skulls or bones on the base of evil leader figures where appropriate (like Goblins). Other ideas are to switch heads and re-pose the figure as the above poster points out. They need to be in a different pose compared to the rank and file if they come in a box of similar poses. The Hunter Orcs are easy enough to mark one out as a leader if you don't want to buy the Finecast named models. A commanding pose like pointing or raising the weapon crtainly helps. I did some Goblin Captains recently and for them I bought some bare goblin heads at a convention stand and switched those for the standard ones. With all that at least you will be able to tell which one is in charge.

Author:  GothmogtheWerewolf [ Mon Jan 21, 2013 9:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Hunter Orc Captains

@Rognarr, i see what you mena about the pose, yours looks nice. I think it would be very hard to do with hunter orcs unless one picked the excat right variant as some of the come sculpted in weird nearly unconvertable poses. I may have a go however.

@Galanur, thx for the link, I have seen them in my Hobbit Visual Companion so I know what they look like, I just don't know how I could possibly attain such.

@Dreadknight, the base alone is boring for me, especilaly since I already have 2 boxes and will be getting a 3rd meaning that the Captian would just look the same as 2 of the warriors but standing on something. I used to do that, and I will still probably put the Captian on a special base as well, but I really want to make the models itself stand out. I already have the FC heroes, I just need 2 Captains on foot for my army lists.

Head swaps is a nice idea too though, if I have one of those eagle head helmets somewhere I think that might be a good idea - add that to an attempt to change pose of arm and decorative base abd I should be good to go. Thx everyone 8)

Author:  SuicidalMarsbar [ Mon Jan 21, 2013 11:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Hunter Orc Captains

Bit late but whatever, i'll throw in my 2 cents. I have converted alot of captains in my time (some good, some bad), and i find giving them a trinket not only helps to identify them, but also gives them some backstory. For example, i once converted a warg into a chieftain and draped him in some 40k chaos marines chains to make him stand out more. Similarly i once gave a gondorian captain an easterling sword to make it look like it was his 'trophy' from battles past.

As stated before, almost all the hunter orcs in the box have abs, shoulder pauldrons, and a curved blade. Perhaps changing this for one of them and giving them something radically different like an axe or a flail will help to set them apart. They are 'hunters' after all so maybe giving your captain a pelt draped around him could help too?

P.S: Ofcourse one of the best thigns to do, if you have the models spare, is to throw some enemy models onto the base of your cap. I have a spider that was converted to be eating a wood elf, and similarly my mounted aragorn is riding down a goblin. This often serves the same purpose as the 'slab' technique, but has 20x more character.

Author:  Lord Hurin [ Tue Jan 22, 2013 12:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Hunter Orc Captains

I was personally considering using my Golfimbul model for a Hunter Orc Captain. Not only would the wargear be right, but Golfimbul was, like the Hunters, a northern Orc.

Author:  GothmogtheWerewolf [ Tue Jan 22, 2013 12:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Hunter Orc Captains

@Marsbar, dead bodies are no more characterful than rocks to me. My 1st attempt at making a Captain was a regular Mordor Uruk on top of a dead WoMT and it looks awful, of course with extra work it should be ok. You're not too late, as I haven't started yet. Weapon changing is nice, but I do that with some regular warrior, no matter.

@Hurin, that is actually a brilliant idea, Golfimbul looks enough like them, he has a weapon which ordinary Orc Captains are unable to take 'an all, and the Warg Fur cloak can help tie him in. Since I nedd 2 captains, you have saved be 1 conversion I think.

Author:  Lord Hurin [ Tue Jan 22, 2013 3:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Hunter Orc Captains

Glad I helped :) The only issue is swapping his Warg out for one that looks more like the newer, wolfier ones. I was actually thinking of using a 40K Fenrisian Wolf for that, since the increased size befits a Captain.

Author:  GothmogtheWerewolf [ Tue Jan 22, 2013 9:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Hunter Orc Captains

Yes but smaller would work as Fimbul's Warg is smaller than the regular ones. I might have a spare Warg left when I get my 3rd box of loose Fell Wargs, and I will stick Golfy on there before repainting. Not sure you want to buy any of those Wargs though.

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