The One Ring

Regarding trolls
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Author:  Monotone_Matt [ Wed Jan 16, 2013 6:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Regarding trolls

Hi everyone

I recently purchased two Isengard/Mordor trolls (both on sprue but without packaging) in the hope of converting them to Hill trolls to better go with my ebay-Burdhur. A photocopied assembly guide was added, which seems to show the trolls on lager bases, indeed, both sprues came with (what I assume to be) 60mm bases.

Question 1: are they supposed to go on larger bases? Surely they belong on 40mm bases such as The Goblin King, the cave troll from MoM..?

Question 2: any suggestions for what I could do with the spare arms/heads and weapons from the sprue-sets? I guess I could get some modelling clay and attempt to make my own troll bodies?

Author:  Rognarr [ Wed Jan 16, 2013 6:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Regarding trolls

I actually thought of modelling something too, since i got the troll sprue together with other nice bits and pieces on ebay.
I would use the drummer head for a hill troll, the beard definitely gives him a nice touch too. Keep us ip to date with your progress, if you go to model one. I'd be very interested in that!

Author:  Beowulf03809 [ Wed Jan 16, 2013 7:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Regarding trolls

The Cave Troll is on the smaller base, but the Isengard / Mordor Trolls (and the Troll Chief and the Ents) are all on larger bases.

I have seen the spare parts used in some interesting modeling (just say "war carnage") but I personally would try for an additional Troll. To make things easier perhaps use some body parts like front of one Troll, back of another, etc. so that you're not trying to sculpt an entire body if it's a new process to you.

Author:  Monotone_Matt [ Wed Jan 16, 2013 7:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Regarding trolls

Thanks guys! Anyone know why they're on larger bases/if it's legal to put them on 40 mm ones?

Also beowulf, what do you mean by war carnage? Have you got any links?? Thanks!!

Author:  Rognarr [ Wed Jan 16, 2013 7:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Regarding trolls

I assume he means cut off body parts as "decoration" for your battlefield. ; )

Author:  GothmogtheWerewolf [ Wed Jan 16, 2013 7:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Regarding trolls

Monotone_Matt wrote:
Thanks guys! Anyone know why they're on larger bases/if it's legal to put them on 40 mm ones?

If you want to use them as Mordor Trolls you need to put them on 60mm bases, if you want to use them as Cave Trolls you need to put them on 40mm bases.

Most monsters are on 60mm bases actually, cave trolls are just weird being on smaller bases.

EDITED thanks Feanor

Author:  FĂ«anor, the mighty elf [ Wed Jan 16, 2013 8:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Regarding trolls

GothmogtheWerewolf wrote:
Monotone_Matt wrote:
Thanks guys! Anyone know why they're on larger bases/if it's legal to put them on 40 mm ones?

If you want to use them as Mordor Trolls you need to put them on 60mm bases, if you want to use them as Cave Trolls you need to put them on 60mm bases.

Just to make it clear for everyone: the Cave Trolls come on 40mm bases (not 60mm), while Mordor Trolls do come on 60mm bases.

Also note that the Hobbit rulebook now explicitly mentions that models must be based on the bases that they come on. If you are converting them, though, they should be bases like the 'normal' models. So if you want to convert the Mordor Troll to Hill Troll and you want to use the Cave Troll profile for them, you have to base your conversion on a 40mm base.

Author:  GothmogtheWerewolf [ Wed Jan 16, 2013 8:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Regarding trolls

Edited thanks.

Author:  Monotone_Matt [ Wed Jan 16, 2013 8:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Regarding trolls

Thanks for the clarification guys!

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