The One Ring

How do mordheim and lotr figures scale up?
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Author:  LordElrond [ Sun Dec 30, 2012 12:44 pm ]
Post subject:  How do mordheim and lotr figures scale up?

Hi guys, Ijust wondered if mordheim was the same scale as lotr, as i want an elf stormcaller and can't afford to buy the captains pack, and have seen the elf mage on the gw website
Maybe post a picture?

Author:  Kreakatar [ Sun Dec 30, 2012 1:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How do mordheim and lotr figures scale up?

LordElrond wrote:
Hi guys, Ijust wondered if mordheim was the same scale as lotr, as i want an elf stormcaller and can't afford to buy the captains pack, and have seen the elf mage on the gw website
Maybe post a picture?

I know that you PMed me and I answered with PM but if theres anyone else who wonders, here is a comparison:


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