The One Ring

Noob question on cavalry
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Author:  rammas_echor [ Wed Oct 10, 2012 3:12 am ]
Post subject:  Noob question on cavalry

Is it better to not glue your mounted mini to horses? i feel like transport would be easier. What do you guys usually do?

Author:  jbaxter1015 [ Wed Oct 10, 2012 4:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Noob question on cavalry

I don't have much experience as I only have 6 knights of minas tirith (bought them assembled on ebay). I would imagine that doing that could potentially mess up the paint job or make the riders lose, though.

Its a good idea though :)

Author:  Rozinante [ Wed Oct 10, 2012 5:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Noob question on cavalry

Gluing is handier...unless you think you'll play advanced rules that give a horse a chance to stay on the field if they pass a courage test. That is rare in my experience.

Do not glue orcs to wargs, however, unlesss you have spare unmounted (or wild) wargs.

Author:  Chris GoM [ Wed Oct 10, 2012 8:18 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Noob question on cavalry

If they have the little tab which allows them to slot into the horse (Riders of Rohan and Warg Riders etc.) then I would advise not gluing, as it makes them easier to transport. However, for those models which don't (Knights of Minas Tirith, Morgul Knights etc.) I would suggest gluing (or pinning) your riders onto the horse.

Author:  rammas_echor [ Wed Oct 10, 2012 3:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Noob question on cavalry

Ah ok thanks for the input - I wasn't sure because it's easier to fit into storage without bending metal spears/swords etc.

Author:  Beowulf03809 [ Fri Oct 12, 2012 2:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Noob question on cavalry

For my Wargs I went ahead and glued the extra body part on and used GS to blend it in well before painting, effectively eliminating the hole for the rider’s pin. But I have mostly played as Wild Wargs to this point and wanted them to look good in that role. As I’m painting up Orc riders I’m just clipping the pin from the model and filing it flat then using a little dot of bluetac or yellowtac to hold it on the mount. That way it can easily be separated for situations that come up during the game, playing the Warg separately or for storage and transport.

For typical human cavalry you don’t have the situation where the horse can continue on the field unmounted except for a few very specific special rules in certain scenarios. I’ve actually never played one myself even after about 6 years or more of SBG, though I admit I have only played a few Journeybook scenarios. A friend had a large (by SBG standards) Rohan army that he just used the little pin to mount his riders with. This helped a lot for transport but the riders almost always sat at odd angles or fell off if the model was on a hill or such. There were also certain men that didn’t sit on the horses as well due to the pin being larger or one of the horse casts having a smaller mounting point. So you are stuck moving guys around sometimes during setup to get the right matches. As I do my Riders of Rohan I’m likely going to be snipping most of the pin off and either permanently gluing them or using the same bluetac to secure the pin into the horse better. Transport becomes more of a pain obviously if they are glued, but I really like the look of them sitting solid.

Author:  samoht [ Mon Oct 15, 2012 11:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Noob question on cavalry

Nah man, Don't glue them to the mount. It is easier to transport and if the rider's steed is killed and you have no model to replace the rider model then you can just take the rider off and plonk him on the ground.

Author:  theOneRider [ Fri Oct 19, 2012 4:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Noob question on cavalry

If you're really feeling daring (and want to spare the time) you can attach the riders with small magnets. I did that with two of my Morgul Knights because they would have been a real pain otherwise.
One word of warning, though: While the minis will hold together beautifully, it's a lot of extra work.

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