The One Ring

I dont think I like finecast :(
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Author:  IM A ENT!!! [ Fri Oct 14, 2011 2:28 pm ]
Post subject:  I dont think I like finecast :(

I have a bunch of freinds who collect 40k lotr etc and we meet up and paint and have some games. My mate who collects tau recently bought a sniper drone team in finecast( he said that he didnt even know what finecast was) anyway he dropped the drone literally one foot and the little ariel piece snapped right off!

That wouldnt have happened if it was metal at worse the metal may have bent( no biggie)

His brother collects chaos demons and he bought a HQ finecast model, the weak finecast sword broke right off just with it hitting somthing.

My Gilalad model(finecast) also broke and if you know that model and how its sculpted you can guess what easly snapped off too.

My point of all this rambellling is.Im concerned that developing finecast was a bad desicon. Im not up to date with alot of the finecast posts on this forum so im not sure what you all think already. The models just break without any pressure. they are weak models. Who cares about the apparent increase in detail if the models dont hold togther.

Has anyone had this problem and could it be possible that gw had made a huge mistake developing finecast?

Author:  Dead Marsh Spectre [ Fri Oct 14, 2011 2:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: I dont think I like finecast :(

I just ordered a armoured Boromir ft & mtd from an online Indie store expecting a metal and low and behold a finecast version has arrived - the top of the banner is bent almost 90 degrees from where its supposed to be and I daren't even breathe on it never mind attempt to straighten it. Looks like this one is destined to stay in my back log for ever more. Will probably look for a metal. Overall not too impressed with finecast so far. :-X

Author:  Bastion.HUN [ Fri Oct 14, 2011 2:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: I dont think I like finecast :(

Bad news. I hope I will get everything in metal from the ebay, what I want.

Author:  WayUnderTheMountain [ Fri Oct 14, 2011 9:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: I dont think I like finecast :(

I also hate finecast or as DMS put it, finecast. I bought a Green Knight from the Warhammer Fantasy Bretonnia Line and I soon found his mount didn't actually click together like it was obviously designed to. I ended up snapping a hoof off (forgive me Shadowsteed) in a determined attempt to complete building him. Luckily, I'm amazing with superglue and managed to repair the damage looking only slightly worse for that adventure. Yet a Bretonnian Damsel of metal was surprisingly resilient despite several drops and awkward transit angles. Stupid finecast.

Author:  Bastion.HUN [ Sat Oct 15, 2011 12:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: I dont think I like finecast :(

I asked the GW shopkeeper here, and he sad if some of the elements are curved, you could put the model into hot water, then you can straight it. He sad after the modell is getting cool, the material will be hard again.
Anyway, I much more like the metal figures. I like its weight, everything.

Author:  Dead Marsh Spectre [ Sat Oct 15, 2011 1:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: I dont think I like finecast :(

Bastion.HUN wrote:
I asked the GW shopkeeper here, and he sad if some of the elements are curved, you could put the model into hot water, then you can straight it. He sad after the modell is getting cool, the material will be hard again.
Anyway, I much more like the metal figures. I like its weight, everything.

Thanks Bastion I may try and straighten Boromirs banner/ spear tho I too like the weight in the metal miniatures.

Author:  IM A ENT!!! [ Sat Oct 15, 2011 2:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: I dont think I like finecast :(

Yer just as i thought others with the same issues. I bought sauron finecast no big issues. However one foot was slightly bent i asked some 1 on this forum and they said to blow dry it and then slowley bend the fot back flush with the other foot so he will stand well.

It worked suprisingly well and whoever helped me im very thankful. But yer i think i prefer metal, allthough i would say that i would prefer to buy a finecast dragon than a metal one, way easier to build and hes pretty thick even the legs so he woudlnt break(too easiley anyway)

Author:  Mighty.Uruk!!! [ Sat Oct 22, 2011 7:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: I dont think I like finecast :(

ah yes, more bad news i hear about finecast breaking. yes, its happened to me too, my first finecast models i got, a set of saruman and grima, and the top of saruman's staff came off.
what a dissapointment.

Author:  Dead Marsh Spectre [ Sat Oct 22, 2011 8:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: I dont think I like finecast :(

Mighty.Uruk!!! wrote:
ah yes, more bad news i hear about finecast breaking. yes, its happened to me too, my first finecast models i got, a set of saruman and grima, and the top of saruman's staff came off.
what a dissapointment.

Oh great .... even more apprehensive about trying to straighten Boromirs banner/spear tip :o

Author:  Elland [ Sun Oct 23, 2011 3:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: I dont think I like finecast :(

Dead Marsh Spectre wrote:
I just ordered a armoured Boromir ft & mtd from an online Indie store expecting a metal and low and behold a finecast version has arrived - the top of the banner is bent almost 90 degrees from where its supposed to be and I daren't even breathe on it never mind attempt to straighten it. Looks like this one is destined to stay in my back log for ever more. Will probably look for a metal. Overall not too impressed with finecast so far. :-X

I would call the Indie store or GW Direct if the indie store refuses to replace it. That's completely unacceptable.

Author:  IM A ENT!!! [ Mon Oct 24, 2011 12:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: I dont think I like finecast :(

I say just stock up on all the metal models before their ALL GONE. Imagine if a significant amount of people complain about Finecast, would GW replace it back to metal..??

Author:  Dead Marsh Spectre [ Mon Oct 24, 2011 1:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: I dont think I like finecast :(

I don't think GW really give a **** to be quite honest mate. As long as the moneys coming in they really don't care. Would be nice to go back to metal tho.

Author:  IM A ENT!!! [ Wed Oct 26, 2011 12:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: I dont think I like finecast :(

they can leave the old metal kits back at the factory i think it would be good to have big models finecast and the smaller ones metal. its a good challenge and experince pinning and building large metal models especially for noobs but they get annoying and finecast advantage is that its easy to glue togther and light so...yeh

Author:  Jamros [ Wed Oct 26, 2011 7:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: I dont think I like finecast :(

I don't know if anyone remembers this, but I posted about my troubles with Finecast (or, as it has so abusively been named, "Failcost"); I had a bad Elrond and Gil-Galad blister, and got a replacement. Well, I've had a chance to paint up Gil-Galad--oh man, it was a painters dream. The paint applied so smoothly, the detail was clearly visible, and it was just really easy to work with. I tried out some more advanced techniques I'd never been brave enough to do with metal (which resulted in me trying it on metal later, with great success). When I was done, I was disappointed with my free-handing, but overall, satisfied with the result. Then...I noticed something on the face. There was a sort of grey mark...and the paint simply wouldn't fully cover it. I tried several times to fix it, but nothing I could do would fix the marred face (it was on the right cheek, towards the back). Still have Elrond to paint, as well as the first Elrond and Gil-Galad blister of the not-so-good-looking-miniatures.

Finecast is just a big disappointment. Perfection seems possible--but my impression of the material has been negatively impacted by the ridiculous cost, the bad sculpts, and the inexplicable painting problem.

Author:  Elland [ Wed Oct 26, 2011 10:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: I dont think I like finecast :(

Did you wash the model with a mild detergent before applying paint/primer? Dawn or something like Simple Green (designed to remove grease) is a good idea to use before trying to prime or paint a resin model. The resin molds require a mold-release agent that will stay on the model after it's removed. It will prevent paint or primer from sticking to it, and is different than the mold release agents used for plastic or metals.

Author:  Jamros [ Wed Oct 26, 2011 10:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: I dont think I like finecast :(

Short Answer: Yes.

Author:  Natarn [ Fri Oct 28, 2011 8:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: I dont think I like finecast :(

I have to agree with the heading of this post.

Finecast? :rofl:

What a hilarious waste of money!
While it is still possible to get hold of metals on ebay, and will be for a long while to come, it is quite beyond me why anyone would want to shell out the ludicrous amount of money GW ask for 'Finecast' models. What a farce! :roll:

Author:  Mighty.Uruk!!! [ Sat Oct 29, 2011 6:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: I dont think I like finecast :(

wow, what a massive load of complaints.
this aint good

Author:  Bastion.HUN [ Sat Oct 29, 2011 7:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: I dont think I like finecast :(

Today I was in the GW store, and there was a troll cheiftan finecast without paint. I watched it closely, and it was horrible. Yeah, the details was fine, but there was so many bubbles. Little bubbles everywhere. Probably this is the place, where you have to use a lot of liquid GS.

But come on, this is insane. If I buy a modell, I dont want to work a day on it to repair the bubbles!!!!!!!
I want metal back!!!

Author:  Dead Marsh Spectre [ Sat Oct 29, 2011 7:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: I dont think I like finecast :(

If you but a finecast model in a GW store make sure you open it while your there and check for bubbles, if there is bubbles in your model it is a defect and they will exchange it. 8)

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