The One Ring

Witch-king on Fell beast - pinning
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Author:  dave85uk [ Tue May 03, 2011 9:59 am ]
Post subject:  Witch-king on Fell beast - pinning

I'm just prepping the metal at the moment and am almost ready for assembley, do you guys suggest i pin any part of the model? I've noticed there is alot of protuding material and holes already manufactered and just want to check these will surfice to give enough strength to the assembled model without pinning?

For those of you who are following my WIP (pippin's window) don't worry, i've got a little bored of doing my elves and so starting a sub project to run along with my Lothlorien WIP (i'll do the other when i get bored of the other ;) ). I plan to convert the WK's arm to weidling a flaming sword and possibly use the colour scheme in the Article by awcho.

Author:  hero of gondor [ Tue May 03, 2011 11:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Witch-king on Fell beast - pinning

I only pinned the wings on my model but other parts were not needed.

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