The One Ring

A question for you comic and superhero enthusiasts
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Author:  Wan Shi Tong [ Fri Jun 20, 2014 2:14 am ]
Post subject:  A question for you comic and superhero enthusiasts

While looking into the X-men on account of their newest movie being out I found myself wondering how with all the telepaths that are in the large Marvel and DC universes do they come up with advisories for them? Because it seems to me like bringing a character with that kind of power into a story would make things real dull real faster. Or the writers would keep think up clever way to keep the telepath out of action. I know in the first X-men trilogy both Juggernaut and Magneto have helmets but that seems kind of cheep. Are there any for interring sorts of telepath counters that have come up repeatedly or a set of heroes and villains that were made just to pose a threat to people like the Professor and Emma Frost?

Just wondering if anyone has any thoughts on the matter.

Author:  thatguy513 [ Fri Jun 20, 2014 2:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A question for you comic and superhero enthusiasts

Research Onslaught and shadow king

Author:  Sithious [ Fri Jun 20, 2014 2:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A question for you comic and superhero enthusiasts

For the most part, all telepaths have the same weakness, that it takes time to make and linc, then more time to search out and find the thoughts they are seeking. For flare, occasionally a telepath may take over a other sentient being fairly quickly, but it doesn't happen much. Those times one could either say that the mind was weak and easy to control or that the desperate need made the telepath use too much force to take over the mind which could have been dangerous to both parties.
So I don't think telepaths are very helpful in fights, but the are good for connecting dots and using those powerful brains to assist in planning and countering enemies. the Dark Pheonix however had telekinetic powers so she could actually manipulate matter and that made her dangerous because she could rip anyone to shreds. Unlike Magneto she could do this to any matter, not just metals.

Regardless, the last films was the best of any of the xmen films to date in my opinion, it was a good story and they kept most of the structure of it intact. They didn't even bother to explain how Prof X got his body back and just went with it. I liked it, classic comic style to just start a new story arc and forget cannon. lol. I still hate Wolverine, not Jackman as I think he plays the character well, but I will always think wolverine is the worst character ever written.

Author:  MeatBoy1994 [ Fri Jun 20, 2014 4:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A question for you comic and superhero enthusiasts

Like Sithious said, but remember that mind readers and psychic guys are usually physically weak, like Xavier. Who's in a wheelchair!

Author:  JamesR [ Fri Jun 20, 2014 4:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A question for you comic and superhero enthusiasts

Sithious if you watch the very end of X3 you see the professor was alive still. Hurt but alive. So I don't think the Phoenix killed him, maybe Jean won through enough to teleport him? Also he was at the end of "The Wolverine" with Magneto, so Days of Future past wasn't responsible for that.

But I agree DOFP was the best so far. And the scene with Quicksilver was hilarious

Author:  Sithious [ Fri Jun 20, 2014 6:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A question for you comic and superhero enthusiasts

JamesR wrote:
Sithious if you watch the very end of X3 you see the professor was alive still. Hurt but alive. So I don't think the Phoenix killed him, maybe Jean won through enough to teleport him? Also he was at the end of "The Wolverine" with Magneto, so Days of Future past wasn't responsible for that.

But I agree DOFP was the best so far. And the scene with Quicksilver was hilarious

Actually you see Moira attending the coma patient that Xavier had been telling his class about in a earlier scene. He even mentions going into another body. So this was not his body at all, it was a brain dead coma patient that for some reason Mctaggert was caring for. That said, Prof X can make people see illusions, so it is possible that x is in someone elses body and projecting a self image, but why he would stay in a chair is beyond me. I know that Jean tore him to microscopic bits and he was beyond dead, it was h=only his mind (thoughts) that escaped. Again, it was cool that they didn't even bother explaining and just went ahead with the new story.

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