The One Ring

Recently won an auction
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Author:  Fatty Lumpkin [ Wed Dec 05, 2012 5:42 am ]
Post subject:  Recently won an auction

So I checked the retail value, and seemed to have gotten away with a steal for these, spent 54.56 USD on them in one auction. I was kind of surprised I won for that little, so my question was are these figures bad for forces? Or just undesirable? Thanks!

Gothmog mounted on a warg (primed black)

Warg chieftain (unassembled and unpainted)

Giant bats (still in blister)

The Mouth of Sauron (mounted and on foot, in blister)

Morannon Orc captains (in blister)

Golfimbul on foot and mounted (in blister)

Easterling command (2 figures, primed black)

Mordor Orc command (2 figures primed black)

22 mordor orcs, assembled but unprimed/unpainted

Author:  Draugluin [ Wed Dec 05, 2012 5:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Recently won an auction

You can actually make a small Mordor force that can be easily expanded into a larger one. You might want to get some Morannon orcs for another warband and maybe a troll or 2 to fill out your warbands.

Author:  Fatty Lumpkin [ Wed Dec 05, 2012 5:51 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Recently won an auction

Draugluin wrote:
You can actually make a small Mordor force that can be easily expanded into a larger one. You might want to get some Morannon orcs for another warband and maybe a troll or 2 to fill out your warbands.

Thank you! I don't currently have Morannon Orcs, but I do however have 52 Mordor orcs I got a couple weeks back for about 20 dollars. Quite a few spears and bows, would those be a good placement, or would Morannon be better?

Also, been looking for a chance to use this little guy somewhere since y'all seem to like him from my browsing. :dmf:

Author:  Draugluin [ Wed Dec 05, 2012 6:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Recently won an auction

Oh, I assumed that these were the only models you had, ya, they work fine. Morannons have higher strength and defence, but regular orcs work fine, especially if you want to have a real horde of orcs. Just make sure you have 1 hero for every 12 warriors and you'll be fine. You can also have the Warg Chieftan lead your new bats sa a Moria army (I don't know if they both appear in the Mordor lists).

Author:  Beowulf03809 [ Wed Dec 05, 2012 12:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Recently won an auction nailed a couple great auctions there. Two very good bargains and some nice models. A wonderful start to a core Mordor force that can be easily expanded.

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