The One Ring

The Silmarillion Miniature You Would Want
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Author:  Sacrilege83 [ Mon Mar 12, 2012 3:14 am ]
Post subject:  The Silmarillion Miniature You Would Want

Assuming that you are a Silmarillion fan, which miniature(s) would you get first and explain why.

I would get the seven sons of Feanor box set because I found their story the most interesting with their oath to reclaim the stolen silmarils. They were mostly leaders and served both as protagonists and antagonists in the novel. These are the few elves known to do battle with other elves and free peoples just to fulffil their oaths.

Author:  Pindergorn [ Mon Mar 12, 2012 4:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Silmarillion Miniature You Would Want

Morgoth first and formost. He is the Ultimate Dark Lord after all. Imagine the Sauron miniature, in a scale comparable to a Mumak.
Beren and Luthien a very close second. Havn't read the Silmarillion in a long, long time (about 5 years) and only the once I think. But I love their story (can hardly remember it)

Author:  Blue Dragon [ Mon Mar 12, 2012 4:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Silmarillion Miniature You Would Want

Ungoliant. I just love creepy crawlies on a monstrous scale.

Author:  Dead Marsh Spectre [ Mon Mar 12, 2012 7:48 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Silmarillion Miniature You Would Want

Morgoth ha ha ha :twisted:

Author:  Elessar Telcontar [ Mon Mar 12, 2012 11:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Silmarillion Miniature You Would Want

All of them! :D

Author:  Chris [ Mon Mar 12, 2012 11:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Silmarillion Miniature You Would Want

all of them :-D :-D :-D less sauron....

Author:  tomogui [ Mon Mar 12, 2012 2:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Silmarillion Miniature You Would Want

Maeglin, Aredhel, and Eol!

But only if Maeglin is sculpted as an adult, not as a child. Mainly because I'd like to see how they sculpt the most evil Elf in all the Silmarillion (sure, Feanor caused more destruction, but he was never as overtly evil as Maeglin). And Eol would be cool too, because his origin was so different from the other mighty First Age Elves, while still being a powerful entity.

Author:  hobbitsrule22 [ Mon Mar 12, 2012 5:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Silmarillion Miniature You Would Want

hurin, cus hes bad ass...
also glaurung (did i spell that right?)

Author:  GothmogtheWerewolf [ Mon Mar 12, 2012 7:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Silmarillion Miniature You Would Want

Ah, reading this made me wonder what naive exited person with lack of knowledge in licensing made this thread. I was kind of surprised it was you Sacrilige.

I would buy all the evil guys, but I al;so know that this scenario is beyond impossible.

Also, since for some rason you only allow one option to be selected, I chose the Werewolf.

Author:  whafrog [ Mon Mar 12, 2012 10:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Silmarillion Miniature You Would Want

Mounted Fingolfin vs Morgoth box set :) Here's how it would work in a game:

F/S S D A W C M W F - Points ??
10/3+ 5 9 4 3 7 4* 3* 3*

Ringil, sword: Never needs more than 4+ to wound
Ancient Noldorin Armour
Heavy Shield

Mighty Hero: Fingolfin may spend a free Might point per turn
Resistance to Magic:
Fate of the Noldor: Fingolfin may reroll his Fate points

F/S S D A W C M W F - points ??
10/- 10 10 5 * 4 * * -

Grond: Hammer of the Underworld. Each failed Wound roll causes d6 explosions, causing S3 hits on the target. If all hits fail to wound, creates difficult terrain in a 2" radius around the target.

Valar: can not be killed, has infinite Wounds. May spend as much Might and Will as he desires. He does not have Fate.
Heart of Fear: causing Fear, he is subject to it. -2 Courage to all enemies on the battlefield. However, if "wounded" utters a cry of pain and fear: each model on the Evil side must roll Courage or flee as if Broken.


Author:  Sacrilege83 [ Mon Mar 12, 2012 11:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Silmarillion Miniature You Would Want

GothmogtheWerewolf wrote:
Ah, reading this made me wonder what naive exited person with lack of knowledge in licensing made this thread. I was kind of surprised it was you Sacrilige.

I would buy all the evil guys, but I al;so know that this scenario is beyond impossible.

Also, since for some rason you only allow one option to be selected, I chose the Werewolf.

Beyond impossible??? To quote Aragorn from TTT, "There is always hope."

It is wishful thinking though and the poll is just really for show, to create a discussion on the Silmarillion character you'd like most. Hence why I give you one option to vote. To see which character is more important for you to have if we all lived in a dream world. Besides the idea might not be so far fetched. After The Hobbit films become a major success (cross fingers), the next in line Tolkien material to be made into a film would be "The Children of Hurin" several/dozen of years down the line and PJ would be the man to do it. Or think of the success of HBO's "Game of Thrones" tv series based on Martin's novels. Is a HBO's "The Silmarillion" tv series really that far off to be made? Sure it would take original works and material to be added to Tolkien's just to have a working tv script. Where there's money to be made, there's always hope... a fool's hope.

-I'm not naive... I'm just ahead of the curve.

Truthfully to be honest I would like to scuplt my own, but that would be living in another naive dream world as well considering my lack of sculpting talent and lack of time available. Only if there were sculptors here that were to band together to make a product... hmm...

Author:  GothmogtheWerewolf [ Tue Mar 13, 2012 10:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Silmarillion Miniature You Would Want

"There is [most definately] Fool's Hope"

As you may alreay know, the Tolkien estate will not give out the licence for any of Tolkien's posthumous work within the current century. If your prepared to wait that long, and don't die of old age waiting, then go fo it. So Jackson would not be directing, nit unless the secret t staying alive that long was to be discovered.

It would be nnice for models to come out, and films and such, but I am not living in such a dream,

Author:  Sacrilege83 [ Tue Mar 13, 2012 5:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Silmarillion Miniature You Would Want

Just wait for Christopher Tolkien to die first, then the grandsons will free up the license (just kidding), I know that's a very awful way of thinking. I heard of the licensing issues before, but I do not know the exact details of it and the reasons why not to sell the license. Do you have a link to a detailed article? Does it have something to do with the Tolkien estate being screwed over after selling their Lotr license to someone and Christopher wasn't entirely happy with the outcome? So Chris is just holding onto the remaining material out of bitterness from the previous dealings?

Anyway to avoid a whole different discussion here on this board, here's a forum link of other naive individuals discussing the possibilities: ... 49a92e24af
So besides licensing, there are other reasons for The Silmarillion not ever to be made into film or tv series. It's definitely an uphill battle.

But forget about film licensing, how about miniature hobby licensing? I wouldn't want GW to end up with it anyway because of their now product material and way of marketing. The Estate would also be against that as well?

Anyway to wait for Silmarillion miniatures to be made you do have to hold your breath for a very longtime, but it's always nice to dream. I'll make my own someday when I become an Oldman Willow.

Author:  GothmogtheWerewolf [ Tue Mar 13, 2012 10:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Silmarillion Miniature You Would Want

Well. I'll do this as quickly as possible so as to avoid kind of derailing your naive little thread. Basically you have asort of hit it. In his lifetime J R R Tolkien sold the rights of the Lord of the Rings and the Hobbit to a company which has now sold its rights to the Saul Zentz Company, to the Middle Earth Enterprises (formerly Tolkien Enterprises) which sells the rights for films, stage productions, model-producing lines (eg GW), computer games etc, but can only ever sell LotR and the Hobbit. All of Tolkien's posthumous work including the Silmarilion and the Childrem of Hurin is owned instead by the Tolkien Estate, a different company and one that is run by Christopher Tolkien. Unlike Middle Earth Enteprises, the Tolkien Estate has a firm line on only ever producing things exactly as Tolkien wrote them. Here is a quote taken directly from the Tolkien Estate website:

The Estate exists to defend the integrity of J.R.R. Tolkien’s writings. Christopher Tolkien's work as his father’s literary executor has always been to publish as faithfully and honestly as possible his father's completed and uncompleted works, without adaptation or embellishment.

Thus, as long as Christopher Tolkien is in charge of the Tolkien Estate, these posthumous works will never be sold to anyone. Here is a link to their temporary homepage:

Anyway, back onto topic, iof Chris Tolkien was to be removed, then my first by for a Silmarillion (or other) model would be any kind of Werewolf in any form. In fact if they produced 1000 differently posed Werewolves, I'd make it my personal aim to buy all of them, including both Draugluin and Carcaroth. I would also be interested in early Sauron models (including his werewolf and vampire incarnations), I would also be interested in Morgoth the Dark Lord, Ungloiant the Great Spider, Maeglin the Dark Elf, Gl;auring, Father of the Dragons, Ancaglon the Black, all 1st Age Black Numenoreans and Easterlings including Bor, Ulfang, Brodda etc, and in Gothmog, Lord of the Balrogs, and more of his kin, especially if they look different.

Author:  Telchar [ Sat Mar 17, 2012 4:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Silmarillion Miniature You Would Want

Fingolfin & Finarfin first and foremost, because Fingolfin is so EPIC. Then the Dwarves of Belegost, because short, simple warriors kicking a huge dragon's ass is bloody brilliant. And I love Dwarves in general.

But actually, I'd want all of them. All Silmarillion characters are Epic in their way, now I think about it.

Author:  Karak Norn Clansman [ Sat Apr 09, 2016 5:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Silmarillion Miniature You Would Want

Fëanor above all, and his seven sons and wife Nerdanel if possible. And as many elves and dwarves which GW could fit into a Silmarillion range. Though within reasonable price ranges...

I might even buy a Balrog and convert him getting cut to pieces by Fëanor on his way to doom at Gothmog's hands. That spirit of fire character, too full of talent and drive for his own good, was a masterstroke of Tolkien's and one of the best literary characters I've ever encountered.

Now, if only Christopher Tolkien had been more open to filming etc. and less prone to ignore it all as crass commercialism full of modern bizarre stuff. I'm grateful for his hard work at bringing us the Silmarillion, Fall of Gondolin and other goodies, but think him entirely wrong at keeping these writings of his father out of reach from filming and gaming. Regardless of its flaws and despite its disadvantages in shying away from Gondor fiefdoms, grey company, easterlings etc. in the Return of the King, the Lotr trilogy is beautiful, some of the most beautiful movies ever filmed. Way better than the droll stuff produced in the 1970s which tried to pass for Lotr. The Hobbit films, while having lots of good elements not to be discarded out of hand, are decidedly worse handled and much less true to the spirit of the book.

Still, had I been in Christopher Tolkien's shoes, I would have had ample confidence in Weta Workshop's ability to bring Middle Earth to life and do it justice with an attention to detail unrivalled in fantasy. It might not be exactly his father's vision, or even his own, but it will still be one of high quality to appreciate, if not prefer.

After all, the original stories and their visions always remain in the books for new readers to discover, and it's standard for cinematics to deviate some from books (see Bond movies), not least because of the different demands of the expensive filmed medium. More people seeing the films, will mean more people discovering the books, and well-handled filming with Weta Workshop costumes and sets, with some much-needed humour, is exactly what the Silmarillion needs to reach broader masses. The book contains great stories, but it's a heavy read without any jolly humour - except for when Fëanor slams shut his gate in the face of Morgoth, as if the dark lord had been a travelling door salesman.

Sad to say, we'll have to wait and see what happens when Christopher Tolkien passes away.

Author:  jdizzy001 [ Sat Apr 09, 2016 6:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Silmarillion Miniature You Would Want

Elessar Telcontar wrote:
All of them! :D

Agreed. Much like my LOTR collection, I gotta catch 'em all.

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