Welll, in Westeros, the big damn heroes are best suited in their element. Tywin, sitting besides the iron throne, or sitting at the Golden Crag, sending orders to armies and conniving is pretty much invincible. Ned, up in Winterfell could hold the north forever, keep all his bannermen in line and keep a firm boot on the necks of the Freys.
Tyrion and Jon are the two characters that go out of their element and evolve into a new, better one. Tyrion and Jon are both their father's sons (regardless of actual, ahem, genetic parentage), both reflecting their father's better nature. Beneath Tyrion's cynicism is one of Westeros' great leaders. Jon is similar.
But I digress. In their elements, the big movers and shakers are absolutely on top of their game. (Spoiler: Cersei is not, nor is she ever)
Meanwhile, Tolkien's big heroes tend to be rather more versatile. Aragorn showing up in King's Landing would take one look at the Small Council and not even say anything. Just a sort of "go on, just try it". Boromir would fight his way through umpteen million Lannister guards and then do battle with Jaime and probably win. Then he'd probably have a quiet chat with Littlefinger about the proper behaviour of a lord's advisor (*tragic death would come later, and involve a pile of wight corpses).
Even Tyrion would probably find himself having some tea for his hangover over at Frodo's. :p
_________________ Dreaming of getting back to painting...any month now.