Jamros wrote:
I agree with your concept of the Haradrim, but with the Mahud, I might recommend painting them more in line with Sub-Saharan Africans rather than Latin Americans.
About that^ Im sorry I was unclear. I planned on doing their bases in terms of that vegetation/nature.
I also dont like games workshops skin tone of the Mahud, but I do like their colors and design a lot.
Thanks EVERYONE for the helpful advice ideas, and links.
Im not too worried about Easterlings cause they are in armor anyway, and I will never do Khand. Im mostly worried about Harad and Mahud.
I still will do Mahud with red tones for their outfits maybe mixed with browns.
As for Harad I will definately make them a tannish skin tone not white or yellow. They def will have a tan.
I just cant do the Mahud dark though......if I do that, theyre just going to remind me of zulu warriors, and then I will feel like Im doing historical stuff and I want to keep it pure fantasy.......but I do now understand because of you guys that they should be have a pretty dark complexion.
Ok guys, Im gonna check out those links, and if you guys have any other info, please let me know!