Iluminatos13 wrote:
The Witch-King never broke Gandalf's staff in the books. This scene was a complete disgrace to the character of GtheWhite because he could destroy the WK in an instant. I guess that is why PJ cut the scene from the film.
That would be true on most every occasion, but as the Witch-King states it is "His Hour", maybe he had some sort of newfound power? While reading the books, I always felt like Tolkien somehow envisioned him on a new level of power at Minas Tirith, so much to even be a serious threat to Gandalf. Perhaps in the same way Sauron poured his power into the one ring, he somehow empowered the witch-king for what ultimately would have been the last great clash of armies? (had evil not lost that battle)
Also, Gandalf the Grey fends of the ringwraiths single-handedly at Weathertop, so Tolkien would have known it'd be pretty silly to have the Witch-king basically walk up to Gandalf at minas tirith for a showdown UNLESS he had actually become alot more powerful.
But you may be right, just speculating.