The One Ring |
Goodbye |
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Author: | black1blade [ Sun Oct 04, 2015 5:07 pm ] |
Post subject: | Goodbye |
I must say that the 3 years or so of collecting and painting LOTR miniatures were some of the most rewarding in my life. However both having financial (could only spend around £150 a year on minis) and space restraints as well as living in a semi-rural area with no opponents has led me to the decision that it's finally time to give up and sell my minis. I totally understand that I'm not allowed to advertise private sales here but I was wondering if it would be okay for help valuing my collection so that I know what to expect from it? If this thread isn't okay then feel free to take it down but I just wanted to say goodbye to this community that I was a part of for 3 years. Thank you. I'll post the full list of stuff later if I am okay to do that. I have now largely moved onto other interests such as D&D and anime but if I do get a decent amount of cash, I will likely get the war of the ring board game, buy loads of reaper paints (screw GW paints and GW in general) and paint those minis. My unrequited love for LOTR shall remain and who know's one day I may become interested in miniatures again although of course it wont be SBG as a vast amount of the miniatures are OOP (well it could be SBG but with other miniatures instead). |
Author: | Dagorlad [ Sun Oct 04, 2015 11:50 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Goodbye |
It's sad to see you leave after such a long and rewarding time in the hobby.\ - I wish you all the best in your future gaming directions. We would be happy to help you value your collection. (Oh, by the way, LOTR minis make great D&D models - I speak from experience) |
Author: | Erunion [ Mon Oct 05, 2015 4:57 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Goodbye |
Sad to see you go. Just make sure that you aren't making a spur of the moment decision that you will regret later. I've done that a time or two... |
Author: | Gandlaf the Grey [ Mon Oct 05, 2015 8:13 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Goodbye |
My advice would be join Facebook and then join LoTR specific groups and sell on there. Don't accept cheap job lot offers. I valued mine at £1000 when I began to se and received some feedback I was way overpriced. I stuck to my guns and sold slowly but in 6 weeks have sold £800 worth with about £200 still to sell. And I was criticised for not accepting £500 for the lot. So it can be done, it just takes a little patience, good luck. |
Author: | Gandlaf the Grey [ Mon Oct 05, 2015 8:15 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Goodbye |
As for pricing, check what's on eBay, it gives you a general idea of what things are worth. |
Author: | black1blade [ Tue Oct 06, 2015 4:29 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Goodbye |
Thank you for the support. I might finally make an FB account now. I'm organising them for pics as we speak. |
Author: | black1blade [ Tue Oct 06, 2015 5:27 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Goodbye |
Erunion wrote: Sad to see you go. Just make sure that you aren't making a spur of the moment decision that you will regret later. I've done that a time or two... Well there probably wont be a way to get back in because so many minis are unavailable. I've already sold my hardback hobbit book and source books for £60. |
Author: | black1blade [ Tue Oct 06, 2015 5:27 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Goodbye | Here we go, now to start counting XD. |
Author: | black1blade [ Tue Oct 06, 2015 6:35 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Goodbye |
Well I've finally done counting and: Forces of good: Mirkwood and lothlorien: Haldir (armour + sword) Rumil (requires assembly) galadriel (movie version) celebron (armour version) Thranduil (original) Legolas 3x sentinels metal galadhirm banner 3x guards of the galadhirm court (metal) 3x guards of the galadhirm court (1 converted to banner cus FC!!) 1x galadhirm capt (FC) 1x storm caller (requires remedy as FC and bad green stuff needs to get destroyed) 1x galadhirm banner (fc) 6x galadhirm cav 13x wood elf spear (2 broken) 9 x wood elf swords (1 broken) 11x wood elf bows (1 broken) 12x galadhirm swords (1 w/shield) 11x galadhirm shield + spear (some shields are loose, 1 broken) 11 galadhirm bows (1 broken) The grey company: Elladan and elahior (on foot no armour) 3x dunedain 12xrangers of middle earth Forces of evil: Moria: THE DRAGON (might want to keep this guy, he's finecast btw) Durburz 3x goblin shaman (1 metal, 2 FC) 3x goblin capt (2 swords, 1 bow- 1 bow and 1 sword are metal) goblin drummers (FC Ashrak Durharz (don't know where stupid bats are...) 8x gundabads (4x FC, 4x metal-1 metal shield missing) 4xmetal spiders 8x prowlers 69x moria goblins (don't know exact numbers but pretty sure that spears>bows>swords) 1x plastic cave troll (with both spear and hammer detached) 5/6 wrags (mostly broken) Angmar: 2x ringwriaths 1x 2003 orc capt 12x orcs Almost all of it is fully painted with only 20 minis max not (mostly plastic rangers, spiders + durzhag, most of FC elf command, drummers, elf cav only basecoats). It is almost all based too in my not every nice basing style (basically grit painted dark brown with gaps left for grass). Thanks for looking at the pictures and reading this if you bother XD. |
Author: | mdauben [ Tue Dec 01, 2015 6:56 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Goodbye |
Gandlaf the Grey wrote: As for pricing, check what's on eBay, it gives you a general idea of what things are worth. That's a good idea, with one caveat. Make sure you look at completed auctions. As someone who spends a lot of time searching through the LOTR section of eBay I can tell you that there are a lot of people who list things for high prices over and over again but never sell them. |
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