The One Ring

Your greatest or funniest moments.
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Author:  Silver_legion [ Thu Aug 20, 2015 10:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Your greatest or funniest moments.

Hello everyone,

Today I had a game with a few hilarious moments in that I really wanted to share and it got me thinking, I'd love to hear other people's tales of greatness and funny moments that have happened in your games.

So this afternoon my friend and I had a 500 point game where we had 2 free hobbits each and we had to get them into Base contact with one or both pillars in the enemy deployment zone. The hobbits can be killed and once they are they move back to their deployment.

I was rohan with saruman and he was dwarves, lucky for me I had the perfect game winning and killing in almost every combat and my archers did great too. So by the last turn one of his hobbits was very close to making it to the pillar but Saruman wasn't having any of this, and notices a rather nice wall with Sam's name on it. He cast a sorcerous blast into the hobbit throwing him into the sturdt wall and with a satisfying splat noise the hobbit was no more. Ultimate denial of an objective ? Absolutely!

So everyone please get sharing your great moments from mighty heroes to the darn right hilarious goof balls !

Author:  Boxer1092 [ Thu Aug 20, 2015 10:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Your greatest or funniest moments.

I have not played many games, but recently I was in a tournament and was facing an elf army. I was Moria goblins led by the Balrog since I have never seen anyone take the Balrog for his expensive points cost. One of the major objectives was to kill the enemy leader, so elves kept swarming the balrog and he kept throwing them against walls. I believe I threw Gil-Galad twice in the game against a stone wall heh. Towards the end of the game the enemy leader Glorfindil charged me and I hurled him off the board with my rolls, effectively throwing him into darkness like Gandalf in Khazad-Dum.

Author:  Amdûr, Dragon Knight [ Thu Aug 20, 2015 11:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Your greatest or funniest moments.

I have had several funny moments playing this wonderful game. We were having a great birthday bash, and one of my opponents was using my Gondor army and was having a lot of trouble with Denethor’s madness. There was a suitably high cliff nearby so off he goes! :D There was a loud splat and the steward of Gondor was no more :( (our team had 2 named ringwraiths, or otherwise that would never have happened, as Denethor usually has a 1 in 6 chance of failing, though 2 ringwraiths sapping courage on him was WAY too much!)

Author:  Dorthonion [ Fri Aug 21, 2015 6:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Your greatest or funniest moments.

I heard of someone travelling to play a game a considerable car journey away from home, and only discovered he had left behind the case containing his army when he studied the empty backseat of his car.
Apparently there was a barrage of invective while the other people present laughed themselves sick.
It has a happy ending - someone lent him another army and he channelled his rage into some decent gaming outcomes.

Author:  Rangefinder [ Fri Aug 21, 2015 7:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Your greatest or funniest moments.

Druzhag enrages Giant Spider.
Spider charges 8" over the top of a Pyramid into Thorin.
Bat Swarm flies 11" into base contact with said Thorin.
Thorin now trapped, and, um... dies.

He NEVER saw it coming.

Author:  Glory4gondor [ Sat Aug 22, 2015 2:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Your greatest or funniest moments.

Aragorn boshes 7 Heroic strikes in a row with 1s. I was crying with laughter.

Author:  Khan_gfn [ Sun Aug 23, 2015 9:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Your greatest or funniest moments.

Oh, I will always remember mighty Thorin on a pony charging on to two Laketown Guards. He didn't expect not only losing that fight, but also having his pony killed and suffering a wound after failed thrown rider test and boshing all the fate rolls.
By the way, that game four Thorin's company members suffered a wound from thrown rider 1s.

Another legendary hero that tends to not do great is Azog. I've seen him losing a couple times in a row to a single Numenorean warrior, getting killed by allied Goblin King's hurl and dying to Legolas in the first turn of shooting.

Author:  Silver_legion [ Mon Aug 24, 2015 10:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Your greatest or funniest moments.

Haha the picture of azog been picked up by the Goblin King and thrown away is fantastic haha !

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