The One Ring

How much $$$ will the plastic Thorin's company be worth?
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Author:  samoht [ Tue Aug 13, 2013 6:47 am ]
Post subject:  How much $$$ will the plastic Thorin's company be worth?

Hey gang,

When the plastic Thorin's company goes out of stock when the next movie is released, they are going to become a lot more sort after, yes?
And we all know that the finecast Thorin's company will cost a fortune.

Well, if I paint the plastics up really nice (most of you will know I am a pretty good painter), how much do you think I could sell them for?

Take into consideration that I may do this in a few years time when these plastics no longer exist and that they will be very well painted.

Ideally I would like to make a good bit of dough out of them.

Author:  Imladris96 [ Tue Aug 13, 2013 6:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: How much $$$ will the plastic Thorin's company be worth?

If you want to make money, do not paint or undercoat them, almost always unpainted, unprimed minis sell for more no matter how good the paint job is.

Author:  SouthernDunedain [ Tue Aug 13, 2013 6:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: How much $$$ will the plastic Thorin's company be worth?

To be fair, I don't think they'll be worth a great deal as everyone who wants them probably bought the set. Plus, the new sprues goes for £15ish on ebay. And there are tons of the those on ebay.
The prices for painted models seem to be £10ea but I have never seen any sold.

Author:  Hodush [ Tue Aug 13, 2013 8:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: How much $$$ will the plastic Thorin's company be worth?

I am inclined to agree with the above. They would end up being a little more valuable but most collectors would have them already so its not really something you can take to the bank.

For selling to non-collectors - I don't think there is much of a market for this as people just want to paint their own models and have their own bases and schemes, even if they aren't particularly good at it, so plain plastic might sell better. Also, there isn't likely to be anything else from PJ I would imagine, so that market will likely disappear and then you will be left with the people who bought it on day one, the collectors and just a few who never got it, so again, I don't see it as bankable.

Author:  Bilbo [ Tue Aug 13, 2013 3:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How much $$$ will the plastic Thorin's company be worth?

Its worth bearing in mind that they are mass produced plastic items manufactured in the hundred thousands. They are never going to be seriously valuable.

They will almost certainly be available in their own separate boxed set as with the fellowship of the ring.

I do not personally know anyone who spends serious money on second hand painted miniatures. Much of the appeal is painting them yourself, and showing off someone else's painting doesn't really happen!

Author:  Dead Marsh Spectre [ Tue Aug 13, 2013 5:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How much $$$ will the plastic Thorin's company be worth?

There are plenty of people out there who will buy painted miniatures and pay well for them. Samoht your painting is excellent and i think if you painted the EFGT box set and sold that complete with box in a few years time then you could make a tidy sum. Difficult to put an exact figure on it but painting and selling the box as a whole would be a better option than just the dwarves in my opinion.

Author:  Dorthonion [ Tue Aug 13, 2013 6:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How much $$$ will the plastic Thorin's company be worth?

I thought 'Mint in box' was the paragon for collectors?

Author:  Bilbo [ Tue Aug 13, 2013 7:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How much $$$ will the plastic Thorin's company be worth?

Dorthonion wrote:
I thought 'Mint in box' was the paragon for collectors?

Indeed, in my limited experience with such things, a perfect untouched box set is most desirable.

Different collectors will fall into different category's in how and what they buy. Much of this will be dependent upon their ability to paint and why they buy the miniatures. I have met collectors that buy to paint and display, and have never had a game. Most people will be a bit of a blur between displaying and gaming. Some guys out there want to have one of every miniature produced (pretty much me with the LOTR range).

However if I wished to finish collecting the range in a few years, I would look to collect all the miniatures that I had not previously bought.

I suspect that if you are going to look to sell miniatures painted to a high standard for max profit, you are going to want to be buying the rare ones that not many people bought. Every one I know who buys miniatures to use in LOTR/hOBBIT SBG games has the company, but what they don't have are the Finecast White Council, Radagast and Goblin King.

Quality and availability effect value, keep an eye out for the miniatures that are not selling well, which are most likely to be made OOP, and terget them!

Author:  Dr Grant [ Tue Aug 13, 2013 8:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How much $$$ will the plastic Thorin's company be worth?

Dead Marsh Spectre wrote:
There are plenty of people out there who will buy painted miniatures and pay well for them

DMS is right on the money here, there is certainly value in well painted minis. I know one regular opponent who (I think) has never painted a mini in his life and yet has amassed a huge collection of minis via commission work and has paid quite a high price for them.

I think the issue would be finding a buyer, most of the people willing to pay for painted minis would probably go down the commission route to ensure parity in painting style/basing etc. Your odds of finding a buyer (or ideally several to make a bidding war on eBay) within the confines of a 7/10/30 day listing are relatively small. Once again though I agree with DMS that the whole EFGT set would be more attractive to a buyer than just the dwarves for the reasons above. I think if pinted to a high quality each of the dwarves could command around £10 a figure, you just might have to wait a while to find someone interested in buying a painted company for that cost.

As to how rare they would be I have to agree with the majority that it wouldn't be much, ebay's already saturated with the sprues (although I think Southy's slightly undervaluing them, The sprue can comfortably sell for £25 in a BIN auction) and there's no sign of that letting up for at least another 4 months.

If I were you I would keep the sprue mint to maximise your options and then, when you think they've become a bit rarer, offer it up as a commission where you can paint and base the minis in the style specified by your client, for which they'll certainly be willing to pay that much more.

Author:  Lorindol [ Fri Aug 16, 2013 10:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How much $$$ will the plastic Thorin's company be worth?

what about the fact GW has said the EFGT set was limited. it has been limited for over 6 months now? i guess there wont be another starter set before the next film right?

Author:  Bilbo [ Fri Aug 16, 2013 10:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How much $$$ will the plastic Thorin's company be worth?

I would bet serious money that they are going to replicate what they did with a re-branded boxed set to tie in with the new film.

Author:  Thao [ Sun Aug 18, 2013 11:07 am ]
Post subject:  Re: How much $$$ will the plastic Thorin's company be worth?

At least in Germany you can easily sell painted miniatures on eBay. If you want to get a good price, you need good painting, perfect pics and you should sell them separatly.

Further, the best time to sell painted Hobbit minitures is when the interest is high - and thus, when the films play on cinema.

Later on mostly collectors buy, and they search for "new" minis. But this set is nothing special and will not be very expensive.

Author:  Bilbo [ Sun Aug 18, 2013 1:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How much $$$ will the plastic Thorin's company be worth?

M suspicion is that the real money is relatively long term when the models are all OOP.

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