The One Ring

Corsairs of Jamaica
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Author:  Kestrall [ Thu Sep 20, 2012 10:04 am ]
Post subject:  Corsairs of Jamaica

hi guys i just had the an idea to paint my corsairs with the classic red, green and yellow Jamaican colour scheme. I will be painting their skin brown and i have never done this before.

I'm painting up a test model at the moment. It's just for for fun as the corsiars won't take up much of my army if any.
i put this in general because i mainly want to know what you guys think of the Jamaican pirate idea but any help on the dark skin tone would be appreciated.

Author:  fingolofthedalish [ Thu Sep 20, 2012 2:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Corsairs of Jamaica

:frodo: For lighter dark skin, I use mournfang brown, apply brown ink wash, then highlight with 50:50 mournfang brown with ushabati bone

For darker variants I used rhinox hide with a touch of abaddon black, then apply straight rhinox hide, highlight with rhinox hide and a touch of ushabati bone, then apply wash and add final highlight of 50:50 rhinox hide ushabati bone hope this helps. :frodo:

Author:  John Wayne [ Thu Sep 20, 2012 7:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Corsairs of Jamaica

hmmm intersesting but do you realy want to? Might make the army look realy silly. Sho us the test model once complete anyway. :)

Author:  Kestrall [ Fri Sep 21, 2012 3:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Corsairs of Jamaica

fingolofthedalish wrote:
:frodo: For lighter dark skin, I use mournfang brown, apply brown ink wash, then highlight with 50:50 mournfang brown with ushabati bone

thanks for that i was wondering how i was going to do it. i will have a look at paint equivalents later today.

John Wayne wrote:
hmmm intersesting but do you realy want to? Might make the army look realy silly. Sho us the test model once complete anyway. :)

I got a bit distracted from the test model last night but from doing some bass coats i think i need to find a way to make them more Jamaican instead of colourful corsairs. I wont be using them all the time as i plan to make use of the %50 bows for Harad most games, well thats the plan anyway I've not played with them yet because most of them are unpainted.

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