The One Ring

Elven Mumakil
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Author:  johnny189 [ Fri Sep 25, 2009 6:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Elven Mumakil

One of my friends is bidding on a load of models, one of which is a mumakil. As he collects elves he was wondering if it would be possible to paint the mumakil elven and use it with elves (pure for fun gaming, not in tournaments or anything). Themewise wouls this work? I can't see any reason why a group of elves exploring where ever you find mumakil couldn't have tamed one.

Is this going to far or would this be an interesting addition to an army?

Author:  Nurin [ Fri Sep 25, 2009 6:56 pm ]
Post subject: 

Well... It is a rather... wierd idea, but also fun. =P

Personally I've never agreed to snatching things across the teams, in hope of that GW actually had made the rules balanced. But when thinking of it - why not?

Though, Elves aren't known for being the explory types, are they? Immagine a bunch of dwarves on a Mumakil though. =P

Author:  johnny189 [ Fri Sep 25, 2009 7:18 pm ]
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I would be very suprised if not a single elf had been to wherever the mumakil are.

Author:  Nurin [ Fri Sep 25, 2009 7:22 pm ]
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Well, it's quite possible *shrugs*

Author:  Dorthonion [ Fri Sep 25, 2009 7:24 pm ]
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I would reason that the elves knew of them, but were disinterested as these huge but not particularly intelligent beasts did not fit into the elven way of doing things.
And could you seriously see Elrond with a shovel cleaning up Rivendell after Nellie the Oliphant? :o

Author:  Eaothen-the-brave [ Fri Sep 25, 2009 7:29 pm ]
Post subject: 

mumakil? for elves? yeah, make them even more stronger :p why not?! xD
but if your friend is going to do this elven mumakil thingy, well, I'd like to see a picture of him when painted xD and what about the base? the Pellenor one? :p so elves don't like Rohirrim and send their mumak to them? xD nasty elves! :no: bad! bad elves! leave Rohan alone! XD

sorry :p but I really like to see him painted ;)
Jorn (:

Author:  johnny189 [ Fri Sep 25, 2009 9:10 pm ]
Post subject: 

The base may be a problem, but in terms of colour schemes would blue be a good colour for the cloth?

I think the elves would have been able to tame a mumakil. After all, they live long enough to tame it and they wouldn't train it for war.

The rule my friend would chanmge about it would be to increase the shoot value of the crew by 1 and remove poisoned arrows.

If anyone has any ideas for how to make a mumakil more elvish I'll be sure to pass them on.

Author:  Kiezer [ Fri Sep 25, 2009 9:22 pm ]
Post subject: 

Not saying its a bad idea, but mumakil came from south harad, which i doubt many elves ever visited there. Also, the mumakil had to be tamed in a pretty crule manner. So I can pretty safely say that there were absolutely no mumakil in use by the elves, but i still think you should use it. An elven paint job would look very cool. 8)

Author:  johnny189 [ Fri Sep 25, 2009 9:43 pm ]
Post subject: 

Use your imagination.

Maybe some elven explorers were in the south haarad, they found a mumakil and brought it back to lothlorian/mirkwood (just not rivindel, too small). They probobly knew someone who was an expert in training animals so with his thousands of years practise 1 mumakil wouldn't be so hard to train.

Author:  gaarew [ Sat Sep 26, 2009 6:04 am ]
Post subject: 

johnny189 wrote:
If anyone has any ideas for how to make a mumakil more elvish I'll be sure to pass them on.

Give it pointy ears...

Oh, wait.

Heh, more power to your mate for wanting to do his own thing, and as long as you are all happy fighting against it, does it really matter what we think?

Author:  johnny189 [ Sat Sep 26, 2009 8:01 am ]
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None of our group care about it being too strong, we just think it will make for some fun games.

Author:  Longbottom Leaf [ Sat Sep 26, 2009 5:21 pm ]
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johnny189 wrote:
Maybe some elven explorers were in the south haarad, they found a mumakil and brought it back to lothlorian/mirkwood (just not rivindel, too small). They probobly knew someone who was an expert in training animals so with his thousands of years practise 1 mumakil wouldn't be so hard to train.

Seems like it would attract a lot of un-wanted attention on the return journey. I'd suspect the small party of Elves would be attacked by Orcs or Haradhrim, as they made they're way for home. I also doubt that Elves would have traveled to Harad in the 3rd age, as they certainly were not a traveling race by that point.

Still, there is nothing to stop you, it certainly is an interesting idea. If it is all in the name of fun, and all of you have agreed to it, you should go ahead.

Author:  Joansean [ Sat Sep 26, 2009 5:25 pm ]
Post subject: 

Instead of converting, why doesn't he try reselling, or trading. Thus, he could buy more elves, instead of bothering with painting and converting.

Besides, I don't want to be harsh, but this seems like a pretty one-sided topic, actually. If you've already made up your mind (as you have shown in your last posts here) please allow others to have their opinion, instead of saying that they should see things your way.


Author:  johnny189 [ Sat Sep 26, 2009 8:34 pm ]
Post subject: 

Sorry if was too one sided. I do your points about it but hey, nothing wrong with being a bit creative.

Anyway does anyone know any ways to make it elvish apart from painting the cloth blue?

Author:  Dagorlad [ Mon Sep 28, 2009 4:00 am ]
Post subject: 

Firstly, the hobby is all about having fun and if Elven Oliphaunts are your idea of fun, then go for it!

To make it more elven, you would probably need to change the howdah quite a bit. The original design is very crude compared to what an elf would make. It would need more fancy wood-work and some scrolling trim on it.

Since that would be a major conversion project though, you could just add some elven-style banners and perhaps some metal armour around the knees.

Author:  lemon2808 [ Sat Oct 10, 2009 6:41 pm ]
Post subject: 

Hows the project going any news about it.

Author:  Sharkai [ Sun Dec 13, 2009 9:08 pm ]
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sounds like an awesome idea. Elves could of probably got hold of a mumakil somehow. Maybe they fought against some, and instead of killing them, they might of rescued them somehow.

Anyhow, it sounds like fun (good use of models, which would otherwise be no use to you).
If it were me, I'd stick some elven banners on top of it, and try to make the howdah look a bit less crude.

Author:  The_Dragon_of_Moria [ Sun Dec 13, 2009 9:34 pm ]
Post subject: 

Elves travelled around middle earth before the 3rd age, it could have been caught/tamed then.

Or my prefered explaination, a small group of rangers, elf archers and a magical elf were wandering the realm of Gondor and patrolling the southern border, they saw a bunch of orcs and haradrim whipping and tormenting a Oiliphant that had gotten lost. The elves decided to intervene and killed the nasty orcses and the haradrim fled. They decieded to take the Mumak back with them all the way to Lothlorien. Elves climbed up to the top of the beast and shot any threats (orcs, beasts and other nasties) to protect the big animal. The magic using elf managed to tame it. It might seem an abstract and random story but it fits in with the ethos of the Elves to protect and defend innocent creatures/beings.

Author:  PAMPLEMOUSE [ Sun Dec 13, 2009 9:56 pm ]
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hey they could be dark elves from the east and who cares it'll look cool.

Author:  Ieuan Took [ Tue Dec 15, 2009 9:30 am ]
Post subject: 

i thought only the mahudcould tame them and control them but o well, sounds like a good idea you could paint the edges of the howdah gold and the rest green or somthing. sound like it will be awsome put up some pics

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