I've begun to enter rules and data for a War of the Ring data file set for Army Builder (see at
www.wolflair.com if you don't know what I'm talking about).
I expect to have files for testing ready within 3 weeks including all stats, roster validation etc.
I'd love to hear from a few willing beta testers (with access to the rules) so they could help with quality assurance. Any takers?
Another question is concerning ethics. My intention is to make it easy to make nice army lists that are valildated according to the rules to save people from using pen & paper or similar. The intention is NOT to make people refrain from buying the rulebook.
Now I've pretty much decided that the profiles are ok to publish (presedence exists for WHFB, WH40K & LotR SBG), but what about the details of special rules etc? Ideally I'd like the data files to offer any kind of convenience without making the rulebook expendable.
An example is the "Ridiculously hard to kill" special rule. Is it ok to list the relevant table entries or is that too much info. Maybe just a page reference like "See p.xx"?
There might be a compromise to just add enough info to act as a memory jogger without actually detaling the exact special rules. Takes some careful wording though.
Please don't start on quoting copyright laws. That's not the issue here.