With GW re-upping their commitment to the Middle Earth range, I wanted to post a list of ideas/suggestions for new models and sculpts. Maybe someone at GW will see this list, most likely they will not, but that's ok, this is mainly just for fun....maybe some of you will add your ideas also...
I purposely didn't include much from BotFA, as presumably, those models are currently in production and several should be coming along in the next few months anyway. These are more ideas for characters that were never made, some new poses and/or sculpts, plus a couple ideas for collectible-type pieces.
The list is split into 4 different sections - 1) brand new models, 2) new poses for existing models, 3) mounted or dismounted versions of existing models, and 4) collectable or scenic pieces.
1) Brand New Models:a - Elfhelm, ft & mtd (Rohan; significant figure in the books)
b - Orophin, ft (Lothlorien; Haldir's and Rumil's brother)
c - Anarion, ft & mtd (Numenor; Isildir's brother, 2nd Age figure)
d - Oropher, King of Mirkwood, ft & mtd (Mirkwood; Thranduil's father, 2nd Age figure)
2) New Poses for Existing Models:a - Gil Galad, ft & mtd (Rivendell; new dynamic foot model would be ideal, and a mtd version is needed)
b - High Elf Warriors with Sword & Shield (Rivendell; could be similar in poses to Armoured Mirkwood Elves with Sword & Shield, which are dynamic)
c - Armoured version of Cirdan, ft & mtd (Rivendell; 2nd Age figure, representing Cirdan at Battle of Last Alliance or earlier. Could have a new profile to match, more of a combat-type version, with some magic)
3) Mounted or Dismounted versions of existing Models:a - Halbarad, mtd (Arnor; can't ride to Pelennor without a horse !)
b - Grimbold, mtd (Rohan; all Rohan models should have a horse)
c - Lindr, mtd (Elrond's household; needs his horse to accompany Knights)
d - Numenor Cavarly, mtd (Numenor; would add to Numenor list)
e - Sons of Eorl on foot (Rohan; would compliment mounted versions)
4) Scenic Pieces or Collectible-type Models:a - Dying Thorin with Bilbo at his side (Movie version obviously)
b - Eowyn & Merry mounted TOGETHER (similar in style to Legolas & Gimli mtd)
Feel free to correct typo's or any other errors. Also feel free to post any other suggestions. This is really just a conversation starter, and not by any means an all-inclusive list. I didn't come up with any other ideas for Evil characters or models, so I'm sure I'm missing some obvious ones.