I saw this post elsewhere on the forum, and felt that my response would not fit with that topic. Thus, a new topic. Here's the quote I saw:
Aelfwine wrote:
When one considers that Maelstrom games has the Rohan Captain (ft and mtd) in stock for 10 pounds sterling and Games Workshop Canada wants (effectively) 20 points sterling for it, it makes life irritating.
I totally agree with this. I also live in Canada, and I no longer buy from GW or any other Canadian supplier. This isn't (just) because of currencies, I would be able to understand that.
Everything is marked up here,
even after the conversion. Someone in the UK might be able to buy a two thousand point army for £300. Someone in Canada would spend the same amount of money; about $450 CAD; and still have to pare that army down to around 1500 points. I wonder about the reason for this. Is it because of some inefficient shipping processes or something? Surely this can't be justified. The little tiny cynic inside of me is angry.
Though, I am honestly curious. Is the extra cost shipping? Where are the miniatures produced?
So I've just resigned myself to the tremendous ordeal of ordering online from now on. The price is just
far cheaper, even including shipping.
Where do you guys order from? Shipping costs and location are really of no concern to me, as I plan to order in large quantities from now on. Discount and reputation are everything to me.